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What's the point of Wiiconect24, how dose it effect my gaming on the Wii? If you don't know what Wiiconect24 means, 1)how long have you been on gamespot, 2) Wiiconect24 is where you are online all the time, even when the Wii is off.

sephoroath : defeated

As you probly know, I've got KHII. But thare is a part in the game whare you can fight sephoroath from "Final fantasy VII". But he is hard as hell (at least is was for me :evil: ). But I finally beat his sorry behind :D . If you need help against him, just let me know.

x-men 3

I went to see X-3 today. People said it was going to suck donkey you-know-whats. But it didn't.

E3 wish list

after E3 I've come up with a list of games shown I want

Wii-Super mario galexy, Legend of zelda:twilght princess ( :D ), Super samsh brothers: brawl, Red steel, Metriod prime 3:C, Wii sports, rayman raving rabbids.

DS-Legend of zelda:phantom hourglass, New super mario brothers

PS2-getiar hero II, God of war II

PS3-Metel gear solid 4: guns of the patriots, killzone 2, Resitence:fall of man, Assation's creed.


X360-Gears of war, Halo3, Fable 2

PC ( even thougth my PC can't handle real games )-Battlefeild:2142, spore.

those are all the games I want that showed at E3.

E3 inpreesion

after watching E3 on G4 I gat an opnion about the show. Micrsoft: did swell, with a trailer for Halo 3, HALO 3!!!.Sony: just riped- off nintendo with the controller and has graphics only slightly better that the 360's gears of war, the PS3 is going "me to". Nintendo: had the best showing of everybody, with the Wii, the DS, and games like Super mario galexy, red steel, Legend of zelda: phantom hourglass, and twlight princess, all showed that the N-pire is serious about next-gen. overall,the balence of power is about the shift form Sony. Sony has got cockey, Saying that thare controller is inovative and is tons better then the 360, Ether the N-pire or the M$ Federation will win, but not the Sony republic.

rad racer

WOOT, level 12. I also have 3 new emblems one for each press conference I saw on here, thougth I didn't realy saw M$'s,

Wii up-dates

nintendo has shone games for the wii, no more graphics worrys. and with super mario galexy, LOZ:twlight princess, MP3:curuption, and 27 launch titles, WII will rock you.

PS3 controller

is a rip-off of the WII controller. the WII's is better cause it has 360 degrees of motion, the PS3's got 6. But a message to sony. Think of somthing truly inovative. now all that there is left to do is see nintendo's press converince to see thare reaction.

E3 is almost here!

tommarow is E3 '06. As the comercal on G4 says, " will PS3 games live up to the hype, will HALO 3 apper on the X-BOX 360, will nintendo deliver on the WII? and so much more" that pretty much convaes E3 '06 :)