since the rev isn't out yet lets go over the strengths and weaknesses we know about,k. the revolution is a codename, but the codename is so good, people want it to stay that name (myself included).now what's so revolutionary about the rev u ask, the controller, it's preety much gonna change the way we play games. the revolution is going to have online serves, but all we know about it's online serves is the it will be WI-FI and most inportantly, be able to download NES, SNES, and N64 game,and it's backward compatable,meaning it can play GC games. now it won't be as visuly inpressive as a 360 or PS3, but can still bring next-gen quality graphic, unlike current 360 games, witch need HD to look next-gen. witch brings me to a risk the rev is taking, no HD, but i'm not complaining, because i looks just about as good as a 360 title in HD. back to the controller, it looks like a mid-small remote, like the one for your TV, it's been dubed, the revmote.anyway, it's going to change th way u play because on top u get the standerd buttens, A,X,Y-buttens,and the start, select, and new home buttens.on the bottemis the B-butten,i know what your saying," why the B-butten on the bottem", well it's for the front thare is a light senser for turning the TV into a touch screen.the back has a slot for expantion things, like the anolog and 2 Z-buttens.also, Nintendo is going for a wider adience, so it's going to be the cheapest for the next-gen systems overall,this is revolution in gaming. and like any revolution,it can ether uphed the world as we know it, or be crushed by the ruleing class.
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