@kenundrum7 @liquidbutter You can't be serious. This story absolutely blows. The characters are boring and the writing is amateur. I love this game, but the story is one of its worst aspects. That's putting level design aside, just the narrative, characters and dialogue are very plain. They aren't painful or annoying, but very bland. The world they've made begs for the commentary about massive electronic surveillance.
@bullet_dud @neur0sis I can't agree more. The live commentary was amazing and made those conferences so much more memorable. Sadly they won't be doing it because some trоlls in the chat last year kept telling them to shut up (even though there was a second livestream without commentary)
I think most people would agree this game would have been hugely improved if the story actually focused on the huge surveillance system and how connected everything is. Does it make society safer or not, the history of ctOS, how ctOS works, if it makes everyone honest or just reinforces antisocial behaviour. Those were the things I was hoping would be explored when I first heard about this game, but those aspects are only addressed indirectly and there's no substantive narrative about it.
LiquidButter's comments