@Caldrin @freedomzealot Your comment actually made the game sound even more pay2win.
"the game is not pay2win any more as nothing you can buy allows you to instantly win."
As if pay 2 win only implies instant wins.
"even gold ammo that you can now buy with in game cash does not mean you will win."
You make it sound like anything less than a guaranteed win is totally fair and balanced.
"Premium tanks are not the best tanks out there and most tanks when maxed out in that tier will be better than a premium tank."
Yeah, we get it. Grinding for a thousand hours will get you a marginally better tank than one that costs five bucks. Hurray for fairness.
"As for the match making well its two tiers either way and its rare to have a tank that you cant damage at all... sure you might have to think about what part of the tank to hit to be able to damage them but you still can."
So being able to cause any small amount of damage to a foe through tedious extreme accuracy makes it fair?
You guys at Gamespot need to space out your live shows better. Mondays, Tuesday, and Wednesdays each have 2 shows, while Thursdays is an empty black hole.
LiquidButter's comments