[QUOTE="ryustruck"][QUOTE="hotplayer220"]Wait up everyone....
Some of you may have noticed that Diddy Kong Racing was released for DS just recently. If I remember correctly Rare was part of that games development (N64 version) too if I'm not mistaken. So WTF? If they can get rights to that then I'm sure getting them done for Goldeneye is a possibility.
thats only because Microsoft is in the handheld market, and it wont hurt them in any way. but they have competition in the console market, as well as the ever more popular "Virtual Console Market"
Microsoft and Rare aren't the same company... Microsoft is the owner of the majority of Rare's stock, which simply means that Rare has an obligation to keep that company happening. But that doesn't mean Rare is tied to making MS only products. Donkey Kong is a Nintendo-owned license. MS has absolutely no stake in Donkey Kong... Nintendo pays Rare a buttload of money to make those games, which eventually gets filtered to MS (as a shareholder). Given that games like Diddy Kong Racing don't sell well on MS platforms, it's no big loss to MS. In fact, this is one of those rare situations where everybody wins. MS makes mad money, Nintendo makes mad money and Rare makes mad money. The only one not getting a piece of the action is Sony... and who cares about them?
What many people here seem to forget is that companies are in the business of making money. Even Nintendo. If it gets to a point where Nintendo would lose money by putting Goldeneye on VC, then there's no way they'd do it. Same with MS... because they'd have to pay a sum to a few companies themselves. Everybody owns a little piece of this game and it's doubtful that we'll ever see it again in its original form. I would, admittedly, love to see it hit Xbox Live -- because MS would add online multiplayer. But on the realistic end of things, people, don't get your hopes up for Goldeneye 64 on the VC. Sad, but true.
Best post of the thread. . . .
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