lived_basic's forum posts
I might get this game.. but how big is the community? I would check by going on thier forums but it looks like you need to have the game for that..dipper145
No hurry, there are still some things that need to be worked out by their bug squishing dept. (but their content dept. is doing good). The biggest issue with the game is the chat...this game is suppost to be a subscription/free based 'multiplayer' game but you're moved into chat channels based on what instance you're in (like Guild Wars). So you can end up in 'subway station instance #82' and have trouble with the social aspect because everyone in #82 is busy/quiet/solo.
For the Diablo gamers, wait a few months (6-9 in my might be cheaper then too) and this game could mature into a true sequel. Plus you'll get to see the direction the game is taking by the content being added...and if the game is worth it to you.
[QUOTE="lived_basic"][QUOTE="fireandcloud"]all that for digital nudity? that geezer of a main character couldn't score in his own game.fireandcloud
thats s0o true like thanks for clearing that up i wasted soo0 much time but now i like won't
wasn't clearing anything up, sarcastic guy. i was just giving my opinion.
:D it's not about nudity or some white haired character and his sex life. It's about buying a game that the developers made, not one that a third party(esrb) changed to suit it's needs.
all that for digital nudity? that geezer of a main character couldn't score in his own game.fireandcloud
thats s0o true like thanks for clearing that up i wasted soo0 much time but now i like won't
I'm importing it from the UK but any European version is a good buy. It's a perfect example of voting with your wallet, uncensored version over the North American version. I want the game the developers made not the game the ESRB thinks we should play. There needs to be a another rating between Mature and AO (AO is usually considered a porn label by retailers), why do they keep forcing games into the teenage age group? We all grow up and whats wrong with adult themed games? As in adult issues, which include violence and sex but not in a gratuitous way.
waiting 4 a review. coolmonkeykid
I've only been able to find one so far, I won't read it until there are some more out. Here are some links to check on in the next few days for reviews:
I just noticed that they are both CNET Networks Entertainment, I wonder why they have 2 sites that do the same thing. Does anyone know of another site that averages reviews?
Isn't there some type of Euro Direct to drive people can just download from? SKIP all the hastle of digging up patches n stuff??? Just sounds easier to me.19chevelle72
This game is developed in Europe so I don't think there will be much of a wait for patches (if any). You should be able to get directions to the European patches from the Devs website if you run into any problems.
[QUOTE="Johnny_Rock"]Sorry, chief. If you don't like FPS games than Nov 07 isn't much of anything. Don't assume that everyone like the same thing you do.
I didnt assume. By the number of BIG titles releasing and the profit that will be made by those game, November 07 will be the biggest month in gaming history. Sorry you dont get a WOW expansion in November so dont go hating the FPS fans for it....
If you judge gaming by profit you're no gamer you're an accountant. None of the games listed compaires to the oldies, I'd rather start up a game of Diablo, Civ, C&C, Baulder's Gate, Half-Life, ETC. for the first time again then even read a preview of any of the games you have listed.
This is retarded. Soon they're going to add a monthly fee just to play games.FallenReign
There are 60 letters in this message which now puts you over your monthly amount by 17 letters. A fee of $0.17 has been charged to your account to help maintain our servers and bandwidth fees.
1) 10% of the stores you visit? So how many a year are you able to visit? Sorry bud but I dismiss your scientific data
2) you need an 'excuse' to own a PC?
3) go to system wars really, get schooled there. PCs have been around since the 80's and so have consoles...that's around 25 years of video games and they have both been great all that time
1) No, check the ratings of the last 5 or so PC games posted by gamespot
2) according to popular belief it's been on the outs since super nintendo was released...or about the same time people were able to post on the net (with their PCs).
3) it's always the golden age, I can still play games from '96 or earlier with DOSBox if MS hasn't patched in support for older games (like they did with Grim Fandango).
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