You can only tie your credit card to the account in the region you live in. For other regions you will need to buy a playstation network card for credits from someplace like play-asia
yea but the trophies dont go over as far as i know so is there a way to save them all?Links24
trophies are tied to your acct. and it's stored on teh playstation servers. if you put a new hard drive in your ps3 you won't see the trophies until you go into the game at least once. After that they will show up.
It's not something I'd use very often but I can see where some people would enjoy it. I don't really have time to mess with Home. I'd rather go straight into a game instead.
You don't have to play the others but it would help you understand the story a LOT more. There are a lot of hidden references to the previous games within MGS4.
You don't have to look to far if you want to find a really hard current generation game. They still exist. I don't think games are necessarily getting any easier. I do think that the tools used to make games nowadays are more forgiving and allow the players to a little bit of error. For instance... in a lot of the older games, say you go to jump over a cliff or a gap in some game. You either make it or you don't. Lot's of games now days there's that sweet spot in between, and thus you land on the edge. Catch my drift?
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