Best Street Fighter game I've played in a while. If you grew up playing street fighter like myself then this purchase was a no brainer. The attention to detail is amazing in this game. See the particles bounce off players when they block fireballs and stuff, simply amazing detail. SF in HD!!! There's always people online playing this game too. for 15 bucks it's a steal if you ask me. If you're not a fan of the older street fighter games then you're not a real street fighter fan. I still play championship edition on an arcade at my friends house. The game play is pretty fast and yes the AI is hard but every alpha/turbo game I've ever played was like this. GREAT GAME!!
It's probably possible if you bridge the 2 network connections on your laptop but there really isn't any point in doing this. Why would you want to do this? If you are going wireless to the laptop then go wireless to the ps3.
The online play game stats for games like resistance are stored on the online servers unless you are talking about the single player stats. Those may be stored locally depending on each game I'm sure. Why not do a backup first? It's pretty easy and works really well. I did a backup and then restore when I swapped my drive.
There is an official street fighter iv arcarde stick coming out in Feb. It will use the exact same buttons and stick found on the actual arcade machines. It's supposed to run around 100.00 dollars (US). I'll see if I can dig up a link.
it turns your ps3 into a computer. gives you a ton features that are not in the regular OS.
-hooking up devices via bluetooth (look at the screenshot, my phone is hooked up with BT)
-sharing files with other computers in your home
-printing. i set up my ps3 to print to a printer connected to my windows pc wirelessly.
-these are just some examples, but you can do anything on a normal pc with linux.
no it doesn't replace it. in fact, it's impossible to replace it because the XMB is not on the hard drive at all, it's on flash memory inside the ps3.
So if you install this on you have to get to Linux through XMB? There is an option to... "boot to other OS" in the settings menu. Select that option and reboot, that's all.
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