@bledsoe45sbc @lordbest So he wrote the story, commendable but hardly the same as making the game himself. Nor does it make the statement that someone who is writing about a problem should stop and just 'do something about it'. Making a wider audience aware of a problem is doing something about it.
@ejay_kain So not buying a sexist game will solve the problem of games not adequately representing the industries own demographic let alone the diversity within modern societies? Fascinating.
@bledsoe45sbc So a writer who is highlighting a problem should stop what she is good at (writing) and do something she may have no idea about (programming) in order to effect change? Fascinating.
@QueerGamersXist Fair enough, I just wanted to make the point that there are developers out there who would like to do more but are afraid too for various reasons.
@SmartSuzi @lordbest Your privilege is showing again' 'Because I don't see a problem there is no problem'. It's great you are fine with the variety of games on offer. Other people are not, and you don't get to say they are wrong.
@Scarab83 @VeredusMaximus But it is true. While you want to have fun playing games obviously it has never been the sole purpose. Some games want to tell a story, others bring a particular sport or activity to life, all want to make money etc. These are puposes too.
lordbest's comments