I played this game till about level 12 and got kinda tired of it. I still think I liked WOW better. The graphics are great though, and for only 30 bucks I think it's worth it. It just wasn't for me...and I paid 50 lol.
Costs way too much but to do what I want to do, I need a degree. You're in the same boat. Sometimes you just have to man up and pay for college. I work maintenance around a housing development in the summer. So I know what it's like to work with my hands and work hard every day. I appreciate that and all, but I want a degree so I don't have to do that my whole life. And so I'm in college. Paying money. Lots of money. To learn things I could figure out on my own.dodgerblue13
See thats my thing, I've worked 2 jobs for like the last 2 years, one full time and one part. It's getting old really fast and if my college is free, I think it might be a good idea lol just wish someone older than me would agree because most of them tell me it's stupid lol
I also am bothered by the fact I'm having to change my whole lifestyle to learn things from someone else I've been pretty good at teaching my self... :/ lol
Alright so being that I live in small town, where being a manager at Mcdonalds or a high school teacher are considered about the most succesful jobs you can achieve, I need some input lol. I've been working on learning web coding for years now and still know it's definitely what I want to do in life. I'm about to turn 21 and have decided I definitely need to go to college if I'm going to get anywhere with it...but most people around here tell me it's a dumb idea and I'll regret wasting my time with it. One problem is that the people around here don't realize that in other more "advanced" areas people make really good money in this field. The college I'm working on getting into is super cheap and I got a crap ton of financial aid so it's pretty much free to go lol. All I have to do is adjust some things to pay my rent and all that and I'm good. What do you all think about college, and if it'd be a really good idea for what I'm planning on doing in life???
I honestly havent been able to play it for weeks. It doesn't matter if I exit out and find another game, they are all just as laggy as before. When I bought the game, it ran so smooth I couldn't believe it. Now its just about unplayable, and I can hear other yelling at how laggy it is, so I know its not just me. Not to mention there is all kinds of stuff going around about people havin this problem. Anyone on here notice it?
no. Its not the controller at any way possible what-so-ever. Odds are it was just the PSU going bad. If something were draining too much power you system would simply give you a blue screen and shut down to prevent such a thing. Corsair is a pretty good brand so it shouldn't go out as easily.
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