I found the single player to be really fun. I played through it twice, and still go back now and then. The multiplayer is DEFINITELY where its at, but the SP is fun too. It got pretty epic in some points.
lordlunch2's forum posts
ha ha yup. The more you eat, the faster we die, and the more money they get to keep lol good idea. ....but i am high.....but it does seem true!Lost of fast food resturants means lots of buyers.The food is very bad for your health.People start eating it through childhood. Kid Meals through Until your old enough for a big mac.This means over the years your health is in bad condition. When you get a job the goverment starts deducting money from your paycheck. Overtime you will be to old to work. Thats when social security comes in.Social security starts working when you become 70 i think. The goverment pays you small portions of what they took from you. You probaly paid $50000 but your getting $500 a month. Your so old and in bad condition you die. Where does the rest of the money go? That hard earned money you worked for is now in the hands of the goverment.
My point... Goverment says eat fast food...you eat it. they take your money when you die.
I was just reading a really dumb post and the idea dawned on me. First god put some animals on the planet and stuff. The animals couldn't keep up with the grass so he added some dinosaurs. They couldnt keep up. So he said "Alright lets just start over!" BOOM! He drops a meteor and blows them all up. He creates humans that slowly develop advanced mowing machinery and are tending very well to his planetary lawn. Its how we earn our keep of the planet. Thing is now we have developed weed killers, so hes probably going to erradicate us and just start using that, and do something genuinely useful with this planet......just an idea i had just now. Im a little high so its probably true.
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