Another day another is xbox live worth it thread.The answer my friend is yes.I have both ps3 and 360 and the xbox live service is way better than psn.Psn is a decent service but for me live just works way better,especially chat.
loudharley's forum posts
Bayonetta?That game wasnt that good and to be honest with ya i almost forgot that it even exsisted.Not saying it was a terrible game but it was one of those games that u play and then move on.
Well i was planning on getting a 3ds on day one but at that price im gonna have to wait til they get the price down.It looks like an awesome handheld but thats a console price not a handheld price.
It really seems like alot of these japanese series are stuck in the past.U get a game like gt or final fantasy and they really dont do much to push the genre forward.Thier still is alot of creative ideas that come from japanese developers but as of now i think western developers are doing more.
The graphics looked good on sonic 4 but the controls were off.It feels like sonic comes to a sudden stop whenever i take my hands slightly off the analogs.I cant quiet put my finger on it but this doesnt feel like sonic and at this point i think im about done with this franchise,maybe sega should be to.Iwas a big fan of this series back in the day and ive waited a long time for them to get it right again but it feels like that day isnt gonna come at this point.
Weve seen very little of star wars kinect and non of sonys move star wars game so i say we wait until we know a little more about each game.Im skeptical about both games but until i see some previews and reviews im gonna with hold judgment.Not to mension id like to try both games before trashing the other.Anyways this is coming from a sony guy so i dont see how this should even be taken seriously.These companys are always gonna try and get u on thier side even if its true or not.
I really struggle with racing sims because i can never hit turns the right way.Forza,project gotham and the gt series have always gave me trouble but they look so good that im always willing to give them a shot but it always turns out bad for mebecause the true fans of those games destroy me.The arcade racers are easier for me because they seem to be more about speed and less about technique and skill,although u still have to have a certain amount of skill for the arcade racers as well.If your willing to take the time to get use to the sims and enjoy them i say go for it because thier not bad games,its just they take more concentration and skill.
WOW looks like a cool game but ive just never had the time it takes to devote to that game.Im more into console game because i can pop on and off when i get the time.
I played cod black ops on ps3 at my cousins house and i couldnt really see any difference other than the controllers.I have black ops on the 360 so when i switch over and try the ps3 version im not as good with the ps3 controller only because im use to playing it with the 360 controller.My thing is if it doesnt work for u just take it back to the store and get a refund instead of signing some b.s. petition because nothing will come of that.
I really dont think about it that much.It kindeve sucks when u only have one system and a cool game comes out for the console that u dont have.Luckily ive got all three current gen systems so i dont have that problem.Personally id rather thier be only one console so we could all enjoy the same games but if that ever happend you wouldnt see the industry grow and developers would get lazy,its definatly a double edged sword.
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