Im looking forward to kinect because it looks like a cool piece of tech that has some possibilitys for the future.Also i enjoy playing the casual games with family and friends so the launch line up isnt exactly dissapointing to me unless they turn out to be total unresponsive garbage.If kinect works the way they say it does im sure ill have some fun with it.
loudharley's forum posts
I agree that kinect was probably created in response to the wiimote but it takes it a few steps further with body scanning,voice recognition and no controller.It looks like an amazing piece of technology,that is if it works the way they say it does.I have yet to use kinect but i have one reserved and look forward to using it first hand.
After seeing the kinect game lineup i have to say i was a little disapointed but i never gave up hope and it looks like things are turning around.I like all types of games and i really believe its just gonna take time before developers really figure out what they can do with something like kinect.Kinect is really a cool technical device and im looking forward to all it has to offer.
Weve sold one playstation move at my local gamestop since it was released so i dont think people are all that excited about jumping ship from the wii to the move.Mayve its selling better in other areas but here its doing absolutly nothing.I dont have exact numbers at the moment but we have a few hundred reserves for kinect so i think microsoft will do better than sony in the motion control area but im not sure either will unseat the wii,although i think kinect will definatly be a hit at launch wheather its good or not.
I have both but prefer my 360,mainly for xboxlive.If u like games and can afford it both have something to offer.The ps3 has some great games and u might be missing out.
Im looking forward to both of these games and its kindeve hard to say which one im more hyped for.In all honesty though i dont think story is either gears or resistance's strong point.I just love the action and gameplay.Personally the storys arent bad at all im just more into the action and both games deliver.
Both have good exclusives so as far as that goes u cant lose.Personally for me though i play my 360 more because i enjoy xboxlive as a service to be better.Multiplats are pretty much the same on both systems but if you enjoy online xboxlive is the best option.
From my experience with both im just gonna have to say that live works better in my opinion.I havent signed into my psn account in months because live is just a better service.
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