I love to build pc's. I need to know more about the person building it though. Where will you be stationed? How much time will you be spending on it? Generic language will suffice. Tell me about the people that will be playing games on it and what games they will be playing? I know about these things. :) You may also consider a bit about how many players there will be and what not.
geez, gamespot is tough. They just crashed my hard drive for mom jokes. Just kidding, sorry if I offended anyone and if I can't ever chat here again I will just move to a different mom. LOL don't be a bunch of wussified effeminated fruityturds. If you do, you will get used to chatting with yourself cuz anyone with an original thought will be gone. What else would you expect from a site designed to exploit.
you mean like today? cuz this is my first day ever on hardware forums. I just wanted to know if the system I am planning to build with my hard earned cash is gonna be good for a few.
yes its essentialy a sound card thats outside your computer. Try it out and see if it works, if not.....take it back. You will have to install some software on your computer that comes with your external usb sound solution. One other thought though......have you added any hardware to your pc lately?
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