lsesrekmsa66's forum posts
markedman, for one thing, i can afford it, im simply saving up for something i want more. two, "only" 400 dollars is a spoiled things to say. 3, if you don't want to positively criticize my idea, than stop posting. 4, the PSP has many games that use a physics engine, perhaps not as robust as the PS3's, but good enough. So please, think before you post.:evil:
psp-mtness, thank you for being kinder:) and while the psp is usually less powerful than the PS2, when the tech is used properly, games can be better looking and even better playing on the portable than on the PS2, such as Tekken and Daxter.
To be honest, I have never cared for the HD compatible consoles. They only seem like suped up versions of last gens consoles via better technical capabilities, which kind of annoys me considering both Microsoft and Sony are asking for a crapton of money for them. But recently I saw a game that makes me think otherwise: Little Big Planet. I thought: Cool! Lets go buy a PS3. But then I remembered: crapton of money. So I was thinking: I own a PSP, which is basically a PS3 controller minus an analog stick and plus a screen. What if they could make a lower end model of LittleBigplanet for the PSP?Besides the photorealistic graphics and ultra high quality sound (and that one analog stick), and a super large hard drive, the PSP has everything a PS3 has: online play and compatibility, sixaxis x,triangle,circle,square control setup, and internet connection, all of which could be used to produce a Little Big Planet experience.
The tech wouldn't be hard to make. LBP is essentially a 2.5D platformer with high customization value. While graphics would obviously be shinier on the PS3, the simple art direction could be easily manipulated with the early PS2 graphical capability of the PSP. And while sound might give the game personality, games like Daxter have shown that excellent sound is not impossible on a PSP. Perhaps you feel it is impossible to make LBP feel like LBP on a portable. Yet as what has been shown, Ratchet and Clank is as much Ratchet and Clank perhaps more than its PS3 brother while on a PSP. Resistance Retribution on the PSP is also looking to be a great substitution for the upcoming Resistance 2 on the PS3.
THus, I say LBP Portable. If you like my idea, reply. I may send a letter to Sony suggesting this, in my opinion, awesome project's development.
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