If the ps4 really was that great then you would spend your time playing it instead of obsessing about xbox. Stop trying to convince others that ps4 is better, deep down you know that if it was you wouldn't have to convince others as an effort to convince yourself. They are both basically the same. It's like saying that sprite is better than Sierra mist. Yeah it is but come on they are both the same. Trying to win that argument is a waste of breath.
@ncorvelli: it's competing here in the United states. Ps4 is not that much more popular here in america. It's a very close race here at home one that Ms can still win. They lost the world wide sales race by a land slide but are right behind sny here in america. The xb1 has 95% of the games the ps4 has and has a better controller one you don't ever have to charge. It has much better features and is easier to use. They are both great consoles but I just don't see how you think it's that much better.
@xboticon: dude why are you so mad? You don't even know the guy. The xb1 is a great console there is no denying that. Just chill maybe even get a gf or bf to help you get over your xbox obsession. Just think about it...instead of playa hating you could be getting laid.
luis2113's comments