@runstalker: power won't matter when you own all the consoles, then only the games matter. If power is important to you then consider joining the pc crew.
@drizzygadget: power doesn't matter. The xbox 1 is still better than the ps4, the. I actually heard that the s model has a 9% power advantage on the ps4. Not sure where though so don't quote me on that,but it is worth your time researching it.
I need another xbox anyway. I have a 4k tv. The ps4 and xb1 don't take advantage of that so I will buy this and the Neo as soon as I can. Im just praying that gran turismo 7 comes out on the neo. I won't lie ms,in my opinion, has always been better than sonys consoles so I am very excited for the Scorpio.
Calm down xbox live is not down, some users are having problems. I've been playing gta and bo3 all night just fine. Xbox live hass 50 million users when 100 have problems "Xbox is down"...yeah and terrorist exist. I've on xb live since halo 2 and it has never been down to where I cant get on or play. Xbox Live never goes down trust me I use it everyday.
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