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Games From My Cousin

i got twisted metal: black, gta 3, lotr: return of the king, midnight club, and nhl hitz pro from my cousin just for giving him one of my many mix cds. so i basically got them for nothing. he gave them to me cuz his sister threw his ps2 out the window.


i can't beleive i forgot to post it. god damn that game kicked ASS!!!! the challenge of the gods is hard.

i played it on spartan mode all the way to the path of hades when styx is under you but then i new i was close and i wanted to beat it so bad so i jumed off the edge a few times until it asked me if i wanted to switch to easy mode. after i did it only took about 15 minutes tops to beat it. i saved on a different file, though, so i can still go beat it on spartan. easy mode is way too fricken easy, though. i doubt i will ever be able to beat it on god mode.

somethin kinda scary

i was watching this show a while back and it was about this philosipher a long time ago who predicted the civil war correctly. well he also predicted the end of the world in 2008. 2008 is Bush's last year in office. If the end of the world is caused by that f***ing retarded ass monkey i am going to go liberal on his ass.

Memorial weekend was awesome

first i saw star wars again. the next day i went to my favorite dirt jumps in wisconsin. (for bmx not dirtbike. i don't dirt bike.) then today me and 2 of my friends went to the run down trails in MY town and fixed them up. ya and i went to a graduation party and ate good food. it was a cool weekend.

edit: o ya and i only have 4 DAYS OF FRICKEN SCHOOL LEFT! ya, so that's cool.



DANG IT KICKED MAJOR ASS!!! it was really sad how he slowly turned to the dark side. it was a fricken epic moment when he took his first breath as darth vader. DAMN! it was so cool how everything started falling together in the end, too. i think i'm gonna see it again. i loved that movie, i don't know what the guy in rolling stone was talking about (but the acting is a little stiff, i'll give him that).

oh and by the way i picked up that rolling stone cuz i saw darth vader on the front and i was like "o i should get this but i doubt i will" but then i saw the headline written across the top "System Of A Down, Bigger and Weirder" and it was yesterday while i was on my way to get mezmerize and i was like "oh, now i will get it" and it's a good issue.