i don't like saying His name in vain but that's the title that seemed to fit this.
i've had my ps2 for over a month now and i can't play ps2 games yet! and it's my first ps2. i've beaten many games and even have a few that friends gave me but before this i have not had one. i'm frustrated. here's what happened: my cousin's ps2 broke (it's a disk read error but the ps2it still plays ps1 game. i haven't tried cd's yet, though. and it "chatters"). he got a new one so he gave me the busted one. but about 3 weeks ago my friend told me he knew how to fix it . he told me there's a white dial by the lens that you have to turn to change how it works (i think its really called a POT or something. it's in every kind of disc player). we took apart my ps2 but once we got inside it, he said he didn't recognize any of the stuff in it and we couldn't find any white dial. then a few days later, while i was on the internet looking for how to fix it, i found a manual on how to fix a "5000" model (i think). right next to it, it said "50001 manual coming soon". so i thought there was a good chance that meant the 50001 model was an older or more complex version or something. so i go and check what mine is and sure enough, it's a 50001 model. that is probly why my friend couldn't recognize things in it. the day before yesterday i gave the ps2 to a different friend to fix it. he was sick yesterday so i that's an extra day i'm waiting to get it back. today at school he told me i forgot to give him the cords so he could open the disk drive once he was inside the ps2. there's another day of waiting. so tomorrow i am bringing the cords but tomorrow is friday so i'm gonna have to wait the weekend now. there's onther few days. and the thing i'm worried about is what if the same thing happens this time. i hope this time my friend will pull through. if even he can't fix it (but he assures me he can) i will just try to find one cheap and buy it. that story might be long andboring but it's frustrating and i hope someone reading this can help. so post comments if you can help.
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