I stopped reading at "The PS3 will basically replace your pc" so forgive me if this has been mentioned.
First of all, I own all 3 consoles and I will say without question that you are perhaps the biggest fanboy I've ever come across. Suggesting the PS3 can even come close to replacing the PC is idiotic.
Last, the PS3 feels next gen because you just bought it. Been there, done that.
Xbox 360 - Best next gen console Wii - Interesting device, doesnt feel like typical console, but lacking big time in the game department. (own 1 game, zelda) Basically, I find this fun for parties where me and a bunch of people play Rayman or Warioware. PS3 - There big IP MotorStorm just flopped, I guess Ill go another month of not owning a PS3 game. Thats right, I dont own a single PS3 game right now. Says it all.
And before everyone starts crying about how the Wii and PS3 need time I'll just politely sit here and smile. They have had more then enough time. Time to start delivering.
Here's a PC gamer also chiming in. (Quake, CS, CS:Source, WoW, etc.. etc..)
PS3 advantages -Legion of followers -Japanese support -Built in wi-fi -Pretty
Disadvantages -Price first and formost. -Online network is garbage, albiet, free. -Hardware limitations, both cpu (hard to code for) and GPU (inferior to xbox 360's gpu) -Analog sticks are positioned horribly for FPS games. -No rumble feature. (yeah, I like it) -Six Axis is a gimmick. -Blue Ray (Heres why it's a disadvantage. First and foremost a lot of people dont own HDTV's which makes it worthless to 95 percent of the gaming community. It adds a ton of cost to the PS3 and is only being utalized to win the HDVD format war while Sony pawns it off as more storage for developers to use for game content.) -UI is very weak. -256mg RAM
Xbox 360 Pro's -GPU (The ps3 will never touch GeoW. It's GPU is inferior to the 360's. There are many technical articles online, educate yourselves) -CPU (While the cell processor is more powerful, and only by a small margin according to benchmarks, the xbox 360 CPU is easier to code for and therefore better for developers.) -PORTS (Yeah, I said it. Whats wrong with PC ports? As a PC gamer, I think its great that people with consoles get to experience PC games and vise versa. Does it hurt PC gaming? Sure (some dev's are lazy and give us horrible console controls), but I have a console, so I pick and choose which games I get for PC and which games I get for my console. Example: New Unreal Tournament - PC, GRAW2 - Xbox 360.) -Choice (Dont have an HDTV, dont need an HDVD player. Dont want to play online or play old xbox games, dont need a HD. Want wireless controllers? Great. Dont? Great.) -RUMBLE (always loved it, always will) -UI (It's microsoft, there UI's are always nice and user friendly) -Online (leaps and bounds ahead of PS3. If IPTV takes off, the war is over. Microsoft wins.)
Negatives -Hardware failure rate at launch -Not enough RPG's -Wireless adapter is 100 dollars (ARE THEY NUTS?!) -Not enough Japanese support, but getting better.
I own all 3 of the new consoles. Right now, I am enjoying the Ninetendo Wii the most. Its great fun with friends, although I find it boring when Im playing alone.
Who do I think has the best outlook for the future? Nintendo, but I think Microsoft has the better machine.
The PS3 is a hard pill to swallow. On one hand, its got some great exclusives. On the other, its cost and lack of games at launch make its pricepoint hard to swallow. I use the blueray player quite often but understand that at this point it is just a perk. If blue-ray wins out, the blue-ray players will drop in price and noone will care that the PS3 plays blue-ray movies.
Next Gen we will be better able to gauge the impact of High Definition gaming. There's just too many people out there who havent bought into the HDTV hooo haaa. In 5-6 years we could have a different HDTV technology that makes both the PS3 and Xbox 360 obsolete. How long will 1080p last? Honestly? 720p was around for a year or two before 1080p hit the market. Pretty soon 1080p will be obsolete.
So, in closing, go buy a PC. They are future proof!
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