Worth a rent not a buy unless you wanna play the new multiplayer maps the campaign can be beat by your self on heroic in under 5 hours so buy at your own expense
Ya good game short campaign beat heroic by myself in under 6 hours too easy and firefight mode will get boring after about 3 plays through. also i think the fact that i spent about 60$ extra on those map packs to have them be released for free. i'd like a refund microsoft :)
Is this game just as bad as halo 3 for jagged lines or did microsoft actually make this game 720-1080p/i because i don't wanna play it if its like halo 3 which was 640p and looked like **** on my new 2000 dollar tv
Best killfor me running into a room hit by a flash bang and steady aiming 4 people with the mp5.
Worst death for me was joining a game beside an enemy using my knife from 1 foot missing the knife and getting no scoped by the barret for a headshot with no steady aim... sigh
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