I'd say a hard one is "bladder of steel" or something on rockband 2 where you gotta play the 84 song set without stopping
lxBlackRainxl's forum posts
So i love the game but the game is very un real. for example you can kick someone with high kicks or knee someone with 8 contiuous clinch knees and they dont get knocked out and the submissions are absolutely ridiculous. i've had people in full red in 3rd round i get them rocked go for sub and they manage to break out with their super human strength
So i'm wondering. I'm an unholy speced DK with 638 resilience and 3.8k AP wondering if i would be able to start arenas and what classes would be best to start a team with
So I read somewhere that north korea plans to "crush" the US for some reason i highly doubt this. what do you guys think about this whole north korea nukes ****
I loved dead rising one of the best games for 360 when it first came out and it was the rise of the infamos 53,594 zombie achievement thats come up in other great titles like left dead and prototype. Now with dead rising 2 on the way im getting pumped wanna know what you guys thinks gonna happen. return of old characters? maybe ending up at the willamete mall who knows. let me hear what you think!!
So i've beaten prototype on normal and i want to start a new game. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if when i start a new game will i have all my previous data like cars destroyed, infected killed, and also my web of intriuge status. it'd be greatly appreciated if someone could let me know about this.
Hey all I just started getting in to xbox alot again and im looking for people who play games such as left 4 dead, call of duty 4 and WaW and most other shooters if your looking for a decent player to game with add me IxBlackRainxI
Hey anyone who's reading this im looking for anyone who's down to do some expert on left 4 dead add me as a friend IxBlackRainxI.
Prototype what do you guys think about it... I think its a good game for gameplay and how exciting it is to jump off buildings and cut people in half.. somethings definately made the game kinda suck i hated how fast enemies killed you and how little your attacks do to enemies like hunters oh and by the way anyone know how to avoid enemy attacks i still havent figured that out...
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