m1993's forum posts
Ok, so i'm looking for a decent VC game to buy...i'll tell you what i'm looking for and what i have:
What I have:
Mario 64
Legend Of Zelda OoT
Mario Kart
Streets of Rage (great game, and hard, i recommend it to anyone with the patience to play it)
What I'm looking for:
- Replay Value (so if its short i'll WANT to replay it alot cuz its fun)
- Multiplayer (that is fun)
- Singleplayer (that is also fun)
- Entertaining (i dont want it to be monotonous, like my voice, i want it to be semi-different on each level thing you play on. I.e. SoR was very monotonous, but still fun, but i kinda wanna break away from the monotone)
Yes. i realize replaying will be monotonous, so i realize every game will be monotonous...
Please, and Thank You!
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