I don't care what Casey has, show me what you have. If you can....
it's out of date and incomplete but according to that list, he's not wrong.
Yah for PC you use that, it hasn't been updated since April 19th 2012 tho. So u take the numbers from that spreadsheet, then go here. http://www.gamespot.com/reviews.html?mode=all&page=0&platform=5&sort=post_date&sortdir=asc This time sort the reviews by date, then start counting all 8.0 or better games. Stop counting when you get to Super Bros Sword and Sorcery on April 23rd 2012, that's the last AAA/AA game before Tribes Ascend which was reviewed on April 19th and which is already on the spread sheet. And read this Sethman
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