m3Boarder32's forum posts
Bascially this is a pathetic attempt to troll PC users.
No it's actually a very successful attempt to rile some feathers, just woke up and the 47% are still up in angst :lol:
How so? My PC is better than current consoles and it will be better than next gen, why should I be riled up? My console setup is superior to your PC setup. Should I get riled up that your PC is more powerful than current gen consoles?[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]
[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"] For Xbox 360 it's easy to count current gen games. Just go here: http://www.gamespot.com/reviews.html?category=&mode=all&page=5&platform=1029&sort=score&sortdir=asc The link above takes u to the 6th page of reviews, they should be listed by review score. Each page has 47 games, so 47 times 5 full pages is 235 The 6th page only has 27 games of 8.0 or better so add 235+27 = 262 AAA/AA Xbox 360. Now for Xbox Live Arcade: http://www.gamespot.com/reviews.html?category=&mode=all&page=2&platform=10291&sort=score&sortdir=asc That's 2 full pages with 47 games on each page. 47x2=94 The third page is partial with only 19.. So 94+19= 113 AAA/AA XBLA games 265+113 = 378 AAA/AA games So are we on the same page so far??? wis3boi
the downside there is that not all pc games get reviewed.
you should know by now he will always cream his data Neither do 360 games, there are PC reviewed games that are available on XBLA but not reviewed on XBLA[QUOTE="menes777"]
[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"] Casey knows what list, hence the reason he's not questioning the validity of my claimsCaseyWegner
I don't care what Casey has, show me what you have. If you can....
it's out of date and incomplete but according to that list, he's not wrong.
Yah for PC you use that, it hasn't been updated since April 19th 2012 tho. So u take the numbers from that spreadsheet, then go here. http://www.gamespot.com/reviews.html?mode=all&page=0&platform=5&sort=post_date&sortdir=asc This time sort the reviews by date, then start counting all 8.0 or better games. Stop counting when you get to Super Bros Sword and Sorcery on April 23rd 2012, that's the last AAA/AA game before Tribes Ascend which was reviewed on April 19th and which is already on the spread sheet.Casey knows what list, hence the reason he's not questioning the validity of my claims[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="menes777"]
I am still wondering what list he is working from.
I don't care what Casey has, show me what you have. If you can....
For Xbox 360 it's easy to count current gen games. Just go here: http://www.gamespot.com/reviews.html?category=&mode=all&page=5&platform=1029&sort=score&sortdir=asc The link above takes u to the 6th page of reviews, they should be listed by review score. Each page has 47 games, so 47 times 5 full pages is 235 The 6th page only has 27 games of 8.0 or better so add 235+27 = 262 AAA/AA Xbox 360. Now for Xbox Live Arcade: http://www.gamespot.com/reviews.html?category=&mode=all&page=2&platform=10291&sort=score&sortdir=asc That's 2 full pages with 47 games on each page. 47x2=94 The third page is partial with only 19.. So 94+19= 113 AAA/AA XBLA games 265+113 = 378 AAA/AA games So are we on the same page so far???[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]
[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"]Xbox 360: 378 current gen AAAA/AAA/AA games PC: 304 current gen AAA/AA games 360 winning :cool: Can PC make up the difference in the next 2 months with 360 slowly dying? menes777
still no answer as to why multiplats are counting towards a win. is this your own personal criteria?
I am still wondering what list he is working from.
Casey knows what list, hence the reason he's not questioning the validity of my claimsI play mine on a 4k dollar audio setup and the best HDTV on the market with superior contrast, superior color saturation, and superior motion resolution than your IPS display. I also have a 2560x1440 Apple Monitor, my Plasma is superior by miles[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="MK-Professor"]
I play all my games with "2560x1440, 60fps, max settings, k/m(or any other control schemes), mods, etc" and you with "1280x720(or sub HD) 20-30fps, low settings, controller, no mods, etc".
Everybody can buy that. It´s not exclusive to Console Gaming :|
Than buy it, I just care that my setup is superior to your PC setup. Just like Hermits in this thread don't care that most PC gamers have weaker PC 's than next gen consoles
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