360 setup: 40in Samsung 71F series w. 25,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, component cables, XBox 360 Premium, XBL Subscription, 700watt Sony 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound System
PC Setup: Components in signature. 22in Samsung SyncMaster 226 BW, Sennheiser HD 280 Pro HeadphonesIn previous comparisions, I found that Bioshock for the PC and 360 was pretty much identical, however due to superb sound in the game I ended up playing it on the 360. Simply because I had a better surround sound system on my home theatre. However, the bottom line was, I felt the 'best' was subjective based on the setup a person had.
Why didn't you just connect your PC to the HDTV and 5.1 Surround for Bioshock? You could have experienced the great EAX effects that some PC gamers rave about here.
Which Sony Surroud Sound System is it?
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