EDIT: You see what happens when you hype AAAA, sheep? You get a terrible flop of a game. So how many flops is that now? Zelda, Red Steel, Excite Truck, Paper Mario, the list goes on. Whats next to flop? Metroid 3? Mario Galexys?
I may have been out on my prediciotn, but the sheep were further out.
ORIGIONAL POST BELOW:I've seen some sheep hyping this game at 9.8, get a grip! You guys should have learned from the Zelda review, Gamespot doesnt like rehashes and unorigionality. Zelda TP was too much like Ocarina of Time, so it flopped. From what I've seen and played, Paper Mario is just the same old thing we've been seeing for the past 20 years. Run to the right, stomp on a monster, run to the right a bit more, get to the end. Enter an underground level, go to the warp zone... blah blah blah. Why cant Nintendo make something new?
Also, other than unorigionality, SPM has no redeeming qualities. The only thing that sheep are clinging on to when arguing for Wii is its gimmiky remote. Well guess what, Super Paper Mario doesnt use the motion sensing at all. You hold the remote sideways and use it like a PS1 controller. Whats the point in a game made for Wii if it doesnt even make use of the Wii's main selling point?
Well, maybe the graphics can make this a worthwile purchase. Oops, no. You think Call of Duty looked bad? Far Cry? At least those games look to be from the PS1 era. Super Paper Mario could easily be played on the SNES. Look at a game like Super Mario World, then look at Super Paper Mario, they look exactly the same! And sheep, dont argue back with "Bu.. bu... teh artsyle!". You dont need a more powerful console to get better art**** Amazing art****could be done years ago, you cant get better art****with a more powerful console. But you can get better graphics. For a console that sheep think is five times more powerful than gamecube, this is a very poor looking game.
I can guarentee you PS2 could run Super Paper Mario, as could PS1 and even SNES.So get a grip on reality sheep. Constantly hyping the rehashed franchise that is Mario is pure suicide. My prediction for this game is as follows:
Gameplay: 5 - Same thing we've seen for years
Sound: 6 - Same old mario tunes. Also, Midi files used again, you'd of thought Nintendo would have learned from TP
Graphics: 4 - As I said, could be done on SNES. Come back with a game that looks as great as Motorstorm or GTAIV
Value: 5 - This might be higher if it were a downloadable game, but at full price its a rip off
Tilt: 0 - Doesnt use Wii's tilt sensitivity at all
Overall 5.2PS3_FTW
You bumped your own thread in which you predicted an overall score of 5.2? A Tilt of 0? You're teh funny! :lol:
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