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#1 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

this is just a sad attempt at bashing the PS3 from yet another 360 fanboy. I highly doubt he owns a PS3. If he does, why in the hell would he bash it? and if he hates it enough to bash it, why would he still own it? too many inconsistencies in that story.mazdero


WTF?  What exactly do i have to do to prove i own a PS3?  Apparently there is nothing i can do to prove i own a PS3.. 

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#2 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

[QUOTE="DaddyDC650"][QUOTE="PaintballinDude"]M3 I claim ownage on you. Infact, 3x the ownage. http://www.n4g.com/industrynews/News-34490.aspxPaintballinDude
LoL! He contacted me on AIM for some odd reason just because he wanted to claim ownage. We had a good convo going until his wife started to beat him. =(

we had an argument last night, i told him that BR was outselling HDD 3:1. Not worth your time mate. Hes just a troll.

And i proved you wrong the term "outselling 3:1" would indicate that it's currently outselling 3:1.."Outselling" implies that it's happening right now, in the present day. Your numbers were from January.........And those numbers were wrong anyway, the title of the article says 3:1, but if you actually read the article, and do the math yourself, you'll notice it was 2.5:1 not 3:1

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#3 m3Boarder32
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M3 I claim ownage on you. Infact, 3x the ownage. http://www.n4g.com/industrynews/News-34490.aspxPaintballinDude

Awsome!  An article citing 1 week of sales...

You do know thats for only one week right?

That's for the week ending March 18th,  the same week that BD's best seller came out "Casino Royale" on March 13th.

HD-DVD had no releases from March 9th, to the 22nd,  BD had there best seller come out on March 13th...The sales numbers are only for 1 week which ended March 18th...You do the math......... 

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#4 m3Boarder32
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[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"] If we made a list of AA games for Xbox 360, and an AA list for PS3 that included downloadable games, the 360 would have over 100 AA games, and the PS3 would have 10? if that?DaddyDC650

And these 100 AA games are?

Ok 50 games :P

Seems as if you're pulling BS out of your @ss. Instead of being scared that the PS3 will one day be more popular than your precious 360, why not buy both and stop being an ignorant fanboy?

I own both, do you?

And it is 50 :P

You own a PS3? Lmfao! Sure you do. Keep telling yourself that and soon enough, you'll believe it! You created a thread bashing the console and you also have a sig that portrays the PS3 as only a Blu-Ray player..... Like I said, stop bs'n yourself and everyone in this forum please.


I own a 60GB PS3, Resistance, and 12 Bluray movies son...

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. LoL!


Seems like a fake pic to me. Who would stick some tape on a HDTV that costs a few thousand? LoL! How about you stand in front of your TV, holding that same note while waving hello? Then I'd believe it. Btw, if you love your 360 so much, why would you leave it at the bottom with a worthless HD-DVD drive on top of it instead of at the top?

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#6 m3Boarder32
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I've seen some sheep hyping this game at 9.8, get a grip!You guys should have learned from the Zelda review, Gamespot doesnt like rehashes and unorigionality. Zelda TP was too much like Ocarina of Time, so it flopped. From what I've seen and played, Paper Mario is just the same old thing we've been seeing for the past 20 years. Run to the right, stomp on a monster, run to the right a bit more, get to the end. Enter an underground level, go to the warp zone... blah blah blah. Why cant Nintendo make something new?

Also, other than unorigionality, SPM has no redeeming qualities. The only thing that sheep are clinging on to when arguing for Wii is its gimmiky remote. Well guess what, Super Paper Mario doesnt use the motion sensing at all. You hold the remote sideways and use it like a PS1 controller. Whats the point in a game made for Wii if it doesnt even make use of the Wii's main selling point?

Well, maybe the graphics can make this a worthwile purchase. Oops, no. You think Call of Duty looked bad? Far Cry? At least those games look to be from the PS1 era. Super Paper Mario could easily be played on the SNES. Look at a game like Super Mario World, then look at Super Paper Mario, they look exactly the same! And sheep, dont argue back with "Bu.. bu... teh artsyle!". You dont need a more powerful console to get better art**** Amazing art****could be done years ago, you cant get better art****with a more powerful console. But you can get better graphics. For a console that sheep think is five times more powerful than gamecube, this is a very poor looking game.
I can guarentee you PS2 could run Super Paper Mario, as could PS1 and even SNES.

So get a grip on reality sheep. Constantly hyping the rehashed franchise that is Mario is pure suicide. My prediction for this game is as follows:

Gameplay: 5 - Same thing we've seen for years
Sound: 6 - Same old mario tunes. Also, Midi files used again, you'd of thought Nintendo would have learned from TP
Graphics: 4 - As I said, could be done on SNES. Come back with a game that looks as great as Motorstorm or GTAIV
Value: 5 - This might be higher if it were a downloadable game, but at full price its a rip off
Tilt: 0 - Doesnt use Wii's tilt sensitivity at all

Overall 5.2


So lets see...You predicted a 5.2

And a sheep predicted a 9.8

The game scored 8.8, so who needs to get a grip?

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#7 m3Boarder32
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[QUOTE="Thrice_III"][QUOTE="Jamh83"][QUOTE="m3Boarder32"]So there are like 1 million more BD players then HD-DVD players in the U.S. Market, yet only about 100K more BD movies have been sold?mikeslemonade

Considering that they were consistently being outsold month for month before PS3 and have now had a complete turnaround I'd say that's great news. Also, they did all this without any real blockbuster titles being released save for Casino Royale just wait until Disney releases Pirates and Sony unleashes Spider-Man.

Ya Casino Royale is a good seller, but nothing like Spiderman or Pirates are going to be. And Blu-ray is just making the gap larger and larger each week.(it was just 3:1 a month ago)

Dude....The 9:2 ratio was strictly for 1 week...It was the week of Blurays biggest seller yet "Casino Royale"...

The 9:2 ratio was for the week ending March 18th, Casino Royale came out March 13th...HD-DVD had no releases come out that week...

But touche to Sony, they got you to think exactly what they wanted you to think...That BD is outselling HD-DVD 9:2...

Are you really thinking that HD-DVD will catch up? It's not a basketball game where teams go in streaks and trade baskets. The gap will consistently get wider until the death of the HD-DVD.

The format war is far from over...I own both consoles,  i own 10 HD-DVD movies, and 12 BD movies...You have to be pretty damn ignorant to think the format war is going to end this year.. 

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#8 m3Boarder32
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[QUOTE="ken_gamer"]Well hey that happened with the DS (8 month drought) but I don't see anyone calling it sad now.Truth-slayer



Yes, but you could buy 4 DS Lites for the price of a PS3. And that's what makes all the difference.

But handhelds suck...and buying 4 of them is just silly.

Shush,  this isn't about handhelds 

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#9 m3Boarder32
Member since 2002 • 9526 Posts

[QUOTE="Jamh83"][QUOTE="m3Boarder32"]So there are like 1 million more BD players then HD-DVD players in the U.S. Market, yet only about 100K more BD movies have been sold?Thrice_III
Considering that they were consistently being outsold month for month before PS3 and have now had a complete turnaround I'd say that's great news. Also, they did all this without any real blockbuster titles being released save for Casino Royale just wait until Disney releases Pirates and Sony unleashes Spider-Man.

Ya Casino Royale is a good seller, but nothing like Spiderman or Pirates are going to be. And Blu-ray is just making the gap larger and larger each week.(it was just 3:1 a month ago)

Dude....The 9:2 ratio was strictly for 1 week...It was the week of Blurays biggest seller yet "Casino Royale"...

The 9:2 ratio was for the week ending March 18th,  Casino Royale came out March 13th...HD-DVD had no releases come out that week...

But touche to Sony,  they got you to think exactly what they wanted you to think...That BD is outselling HD-DVD 9:2... 

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#10 m3Boarder32
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[QUOTE="Riot429"]Well. I think this is terrible. I plan on getting a PS3 soon and I am going to buy a HD-DVD player soon. It is just kind of ticking me off that I will have to switch back and forth to different players every time I want to watch a movie in HD that is Exclusively on one format. I think what Sony needs to focus on is getting people besides Sony Motion Pictures to release on the Blu-Ray format. I was up at Wal-Mart today and saw all the current Blu-Ray movies. GI Jane? Are you kidding me. Who really wants to buy that. That is like releasing Cat Woman on Blu-Ray. Who is going to buy that? I remember BetaMax and VHS. I had bolth. BetaMax had better quilty but VHS had the support. Right now. Sony = BetaMax not many people are supporting blu-ray becuase of the near failed UMD format. HD DVD = VHS, It has the support from Major companies. Honestly think, People are so famlair with the word DVD now. Which format do you think they will chose? They will see a Blu-Ray player and be like WTF is Blu-Ray? I just hope that sony can pull this off.Jamh83

What are you talking about? Every major studio except Universal supports Blu-Ray, they're the one that's keeping this format war from being declared officially over. Sony not only has their studios but also has Fox and Disney backing them exclusively as well as the PC industry on their side, everyone's just waiting for HD-DVD to die while Universal is barely keeping them on life support. Also, to those that say that HD-DVD is outselling Blu-Ray in Europe I would like to remind you that they were outselling them here in the US until the PS3 launched and now that there's roughly 900k more potential Blu-Ray customers over there where do you think sales are going to go from here on out?


So there are like 1 million more BD players then HD-DVD players in the U.S. Market,  yet only about 100K more BD movies have been sold?