[QUOTE="Riot429"]Well. I think this is terrible. I plan on getting a PS3 soon and I am going to buy a HD-DVD player soon. It is just kind of ticking me off that I will have to switch back and forth to different players every time I want to watch a movie in HD that is Exclusively on one format. I think what Sony needs to focus on is getting people besides Sony Motion Pictures to release on the Blu-Ray format. I was up at Wal-Mart today and saw all the current Blu-Ray movies. GI Jane? Are you kidding me. Who really wants to buy that. That is like releasing Cat Woman on Blu-Ray. Who is going to buy that? I remember BetaMax and VHS. I had bolth. BetaMax had better quilty but VHS had the support. Right now. Sony = BetaMax not many people are supporting blu-ray becuase of the near failed UMD format. HD DVD = VHS, It has the support from Major companies. Honestly think, People are so famlair with the word DVD now. Which format do you think they will chose? They will see a Blu-Ray player and be like WTF is Blu-Ray? I just hope that sony can pull this off.crckHuh? You need to do some more reading. Blu-ray format has almost all the support. HD-dvd only has Universal as an exclusive backer.
And The Weinstein Company
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