mAD_ADaption's forum posts
Poor Lucas: the eternal cracker. No wonder he's so sad :(
Since Nintendo isn't using his liscense anyways, they should make arrangements for him to be in the next GTA.
Show her screenshots from GameSpot and point out to her how comic-book-like the blood is. This isn't blood like in realistic games. Show her screenshots of blood splatter from a realistic game (i.e. GoW2, Fear 2) so she can see that it's not at all the same thing.
GoW2 has anything but realistic blood-splatter. Blood is purposely over exaggerated in that game to appeal to an older audience, just like in madworld.
I'm going to have to tell you to obey your parents. I know from experience that putting your desire to play a certain game over your parents wishes translates into your parents believeing that video games are more important to you then they are.
[QUOTE="Grim_Heaper94"]All the Lord Of The Rings games were great. Although I haven't played LOTR Conquest.AlexSaysYeah I'd say the Lord of the Rings games, the James Bond games, and the Star Wars games have had the most successful video game transitions. Other than that, unless I'm forgetting something - which I probably am - I can't think of any other movies with great games made after them. If we're living in a perfect world where we can assume our pick would be a great game, I'd go with Saving Private Ryan, since I think the story could give players a level of immersion not seen in any previous war games.
King Kong was pretty good for a movie game, although I didn't care for the parts where you actually play as kong.
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