Happy New Year everyone. Nothing really seems any different to me, except the fact that the years keep on flying by. Hopefully this year brings many great achievements to all of you. :)
I hope everyone has a happy 2007. Set some goals and try your hardest to accomplish them. ;) I know it's a little late but here is a list of games that I recieved for Christmas: 1.) Elite Beat Agents (DS) (Early Gift) 2.) Advance Wars Dual Strike (DS) 3.) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) 4.) Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (DS) 5.) Kirby Squeak Squad (DS) 6.) Burnout 3: Takedown (PS2) 7.) Burnout Revenge (PS2) 8.) Burnout Legends (PSP) 9.) Sonic Rivals (PSP) Some other gifts I recieved for Christmas were: 1.) Def Leppard CD 2.) $50.00 3.) Gift Certificates 4.) Candy 5.) Misc. It's a little late but I had a great Christmas. I got to spend time with my family which is what I liked most about it, other than the food. :P
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope everybody had a great fun, food, family filled day to spend with each other. Time for some cool pics of my Wii and the story of how I got it. On Saturday night (November 18th) I waited in line for about and hour and a half to get my Nintendo Wii. As you can see in the pic above, there is a ticket. I was #27 on the list of 90 consoles going on sale (and they all sold out :shock: ). Everyone waited their turn as 12:01 A.M. Sunday approached. By 12:16 I had my Wii, an extra Nunchuck and Wiimote, and a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess as well as Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2. I rushed home, set my stuff on my bed, took a quick snapshot (above) and fell asleep. The very next day I set everything up for my Wii (below). I was so excited as I began playing, that I had lost track of the whole day as I did nothing but play Wii Sports and Zelda. The whole day went by like a flash. The next day when I was in school, I found myself daydreaming from class to class of my Wii. I rushed home and played more and more. I couldn't get enough. I was (and still am) addicted. Nintendo hit it out of the park on this one. ;) In conclusion: GET A WII
One year ago from today, I created this profile on GameSpot. I didn't think I would be on very much or really do anything but I have. I originally joined GameSpot, because I saw the forums, had a DS, and wanted to play wifi against some people on here. Now I am on here for more than just my DS. Here's to another year on GameSpot. ~Cheers~
First off I would like to say Happy Halloween to everyone reading this. Now I would like to say I've recieved the Burning Crusade emblem for tuning into the eight-hour marathon of World of Warcraft Burning Crusade (I watched about three-hours of it). I think it was a good show and a nice looking emblem to add to the collection. Tomorrow, I will be heading to Fred Meyer (it's a small town where I live, and there are no specialty game stores here...) to see if they have Final Fantasy XII and a copy of GTA-VCS. I know that GTA-VCS will be there, but I am unsure of Final Fantasy XII. Here's hoping.
If you hadn't noticed, I've finally past the 20th level and boy am I glad. My prediction was that I would pass level 20 by the time Wii came out (that was before we knew the date that it was coming out) and If you check the date, I am exactly 1 month ahead of schedule ;) . I am currently at level 21 and exactly 0% of the way through. I am also extrememly happy, because I have finally recieved the TGS emblem that I was supposed to get a while back, but at least I have it now. :D ;) :)
So today was the first day of the second time I've started taking guitar lessons. It's every week on Tuesday from 3:25 PM to 3:55 PM. I started in Spring and took the summer off because my instructor forgot to call me back and set up a time for the lessons. :P Anyway I'm taking the lessons up at the Community College where I live so I am able to get more one-on-one learning (I learn much better that way). It's only been the first day of the second time of me taking the class, but he says I'm learning really fast. PS: I am one of the unfortunate people that did not recieve the TGS 06' emblem, even though I did watch some of the live coverage. :cry:
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