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mac906 Blog

Games I Bought - August 07

So, I've decided to try something new. Every month I'll make a list of all the games I bought. The just tell me what you think of my purchases. :P Mario Strikers Charged (WII) Picross DS (DS) Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (PS2) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (WII)

Me = Future GAD

So today I visited the Art Institute of Portland, and I'm pretty much set to go there after I graduate high-school. :P I'm going to be a GAD or Game Art & Design student. Looks like loads of fun too. I'm so happy that I'll get to have my dream job. :D

Wicked Sick!

Level 30 - Wicked Sick - The award earned in UT2k4 for 30 consecutive frags without a death. Some people consider you to be a Gamespot vet when you hit level 30. Personally, I don't think level has anything to do with it. :P

What is this College you speak of sir?

So, I was on the phone this morning with someone from The Art Institute of Portland. I'm thinking of going into Game Art & Design. I want to see all my options that are open to me. I have an appointment scheduled for monday at 1:30 PM to meet up with a lady that will show me around the school, and give me some information about the game industry. I can't wait to check this place out. :D

Please Welcome...

A friend of mine that I know in real life has joined Gamespot. I'm not sure how often he will be on, if ever, but still here he is. :P pouz1 is his username, and his real name is Andy. So far all he's filled out is his "about me" section. Hopefully he will be around GS once in a while. ;)

Scratch That

I'm staying, vgm007 is staying and I promised him I would pass his level. :twisted: So... um..... yeah. >_>

Should I leave GS?

Well I'm getting kinda bored and a lot of my friends I made a while ago, vgm007 for example, are leaving GS. :( Anyways, just need some feedback of what you guys think I should do. Seeya on the flipside, or was that flopside? ~Mike~