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mac906 Blog

Emblems 576 & 577

I has two new emblems. :o   Highly classified. Users who tuned in to our BlackSite: Area 51 Live Xbox 360 Demo Preview were awarded this snazzy emblem.   A seemingly unstoppable evil band of ferocious Chimera have spread a deadly plague. This console shooter fanatic participated in GameSpot's Humanity's Last Hope Tournament, where 128 teams battled it out to find the best Resistance: Fall of Man teams in North America. I didn't get to play in the Resistance Tourney, because the first two rounds we won by default, and the third match we were going to play, I had a Dr. appointment, and not enough of our team would've shown up anyways. :( At least I got a kewl new emblem though. :P

2 Years of Gamespotting

Wow, has it been that long already? Geeze, time really flies by. Well, I s'pose a blog is appropriate for the occastion. I'm feeling lazy, not unlike my usual self, so just go ahead and say stuff about how great I am. :P

Resistance Tourney - Fission Mailed

So, our team for the RFOM tourney was scheduled to play yesterday, but not enough of our team showed up. We were disqualified. I wasn't able to be there because I had a Dr. appt. :( Oh well...

RFOM Tourney Phase 2

I should've posted this yesterday, but I was lazy. >_> Anyways, this phase was the same as the last one. Our team did nothing and we automatically moved on. I just wish we could play. :(

Games I Bought This Month - October '07

Happy Halloween! :twisted: So this month I didn't really have a lot of money, but still managed to get four games. :P I wonder how that happened. *shifty eyes* >_> This month I (or someone else) bought: Jam Sessions (DS) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations (DS) Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3) Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (PS3)

RFOM Tourney Phase 1

So, if you didn't know already, I'm in the Resistance: Fall of Man Tournament that is currently going on here at Gamespot. Phase 1 started for me today, and I didn't even have to do anything. Almost nobody showed up for Roll Call, so our team automatically moved onto the next round. :P Well some of our team showed up, and some of the other team too. So the admins decided to just combine both teams into one group. The people that didn't show up got kicked out. :P So yeah, I wonder when Phase 2 starts. :o

***Wind's Nocturne***

***Wind's Nocturne***
Wishing on a dream that seems far off Hoping it will come today Into the starlit night Foolish dreamers turn their gaze Waiting on a shooting star But What if that star is not to come Will their dreams fade to nothing? When the horizon darkens most We all need to believe there is hope Is an angel watching closely over me? Can there be a guiding light i've yet to see? I know my heart should guide me but Theres a hole within my soul What will fill this emptiness inside of me Am I to be satisfied without knowing I wish then for a chance to see Now all I need, Is my star to come.
___________________________________________ So today I picked up my tux for Homecoming. It's this Saturday. I hope everything goes well.

Snake Eater

Level 32 - Snake Eater - The subtitle to the third game in the Metal Gear Solid series. If I cap my level percentage every day it should only take me 26 days to get out of this level. I'm not really a fan of the MGS series, but meh. How is everyone?

Player's Ball

 It's a treat when famous players meet. This person did it real big with GameSpot and got wild on a Tuesday night at the GameSpot Players' Ball. Whether you saw the action from the confines of your own home or, like a true cross-country mack, stepped out into the spotlight with us live and in person, we sincerely appreciate it. If we could give you all a ride in our snotty-nosed ham sandwich with the brains blown, we totally would. That's a car, by the way. Yup, another new emblem. What's up with you people? :o