@Dredcrumb9 Coke sucks in general, its almost on par with the acidity of battery acid. It can literally dissolve a tooth, and remove rust. I can't understand how people drink and enjoy it.
Great concept, and one most of us gamers think of or imagine at least once. I think thats why its got such a nice reaction. I know I'm very interested.
I would rather another story in Columbia myself. Where did the songbird come from and who is he? I'd like to know. I honestly thought one of the twists in Infinite would be that songbird was a different version of Booker.
Its easy to watch gameplay videos of something like this and be incredibly critical; there's barely any input, its a bad game, I'm not buying it. But this is the kind of thing you actually need to be playing and engaging with to appreciate.
This is perfect, I wanted them to do what they do in a hard sci-fi setting, and they're doing it. Furthermore the environment just screamed the creepy insides of the ship in Alien and HR Giger art. And the subject matter, consciousness? The famous philosophy quote at the end. Its so perfect! Something about it reminds me of I Have No Mouth, But I Must Scream too. 2015 is so far away.
The only David Cage game I've played was Indigo Prophecy, and I thought it was excellent. First scene you've seemingly just murdered a guy in a diner bathroom; what do you do now? Make sure I clean my hands, hide the body, start to walk out - oh no a cop is going to the bathroom. Go to leave, stopped by cashier because I forgot to pay my bill. Oh shit, I forgot to dump the bloody knife, the cop's putting two-and-two together... And so on. I really loved that game, it was a great ride from the start to finish, and certainly a different experience than I would have had were it a movie; I felt more invested because I was controlling these people, making choices, etc.
macca366's comments