It is a great game one of the best on the Wii, the only game that could compete with the other consoles games. But i did beat it in 6 hours, just rent it from somewhere
Would Madworld look as sick if it was in color, or do you think the game would be worse by adding color. In my opinion i think it would be better in black and white, becasue it adds to the darkness.
Should the next Zelda game try to show how ganondorf ends up where he is explain his insanity, why he's searching for the triforce, who is this ganon and where he comes from really and all that other stuff
should this be a movie put out on a wii disc or should there just be a game where you actually play as ganondorf spectravoid
I think they should totally do this, except for the part were they make a movie. I would love to play as Ganondorf, and learn more about him. This would be interesting because Zelda games are starting to get boring, same thing everytime.
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