My predictions about the next Wii are. HD gameplay on the Wii, updated Wii connect 24/7, maybe a better interface. Better motion sensing technology, less lag in online play, no freind codes hopefully. Online acheivements, more storage, and just upgrade everything else i forgot to mention.
Zelda totally needs to change, atleast the story. Its the same every year, something happens to Zelda, Link has to save her, and guess whos the bad guy;Ganon. Its the same everytime, it needs to change.
Alright, I realize it's probably meant for your young relatives with no rythem at all. but stop saying it will suck! we dont know how it will turn out yet, nor will we til its released. If it does suck then you can complain but dont complain about a game before its released, I dont think it will turn out bad, it lookes fun(no I'm not a tone deaf 5 year old) who here agrees with me?? tacoeater831
Why so serious, tacoeater, why so serioius. By the way everyone knows its going to suck, its too kid freindly for anyone to buy.
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