Oh my god! I had no idea people actually lived under rocks! Wow. This is an amazing discovery.
machod_19's forum posts
You guys do realize that Kratos has a brother right? The most sensible thing is to start his story.
Scratch that last post. This is the best idea so far, then we can finally get to go against Kratos! Its practically the only thing left to do.
Also, I would much rather a game based on Zeus's rise to power rather than another one with Kratos.
This is actually my favorite idea so far, and i honestly hope it happens. They can really do a lot with his origin story, or whatever you wanna call it.
Uh anyone else wanna take a swing at my question?Eagles931
Gamestop has a nice sale going on right now and they have some good deals.
Here are games under $20:http://www.gamestop.com/browse/playstation-3?nav=2b0,138d-d3.
And here are some price drops: http://www.gamestop.com/browse/playstation-3?nav=138d-162.
I dont know what you've played and what you havent so I just sent you those links, if you give us the list of games you have played then we'll definetly recommend other games.
[QUOTE="spookykid143"]Lol, so much better on the big screen rather then the computer screen right?! Lol. The only bummer is that, at least on pornhub, you cant search. It'll let you type in the search bar, but then you can't like click search... :( Still sweet though, lol.I watch adult films on it.
You know you could always just connect a computer through a HDMI cable or RGB cable.
need an answer: Killzone 3 or Marvel vs Capcom 3? (i know they're 2 different genres, but still, what would you get and why?)
I would take Killzone 3 for 2 reasons: im a bigger fan of shooters and i also think fighting games can get boring after a while. I dont know why, but theyre only fun when you play with friends. Unlike Killzone 2 which has awesome online play, so im assuming Killzon 3 will too.
I got Bioshock and Demon Souls :) but now i dont know which one to start first :( since i only have a few days before school starts which one is the better game?
[QUOTE="BluesKing527"]Hello everyone but can you please recommend me a game with a fantastic story? Or one with great moments? I currently have no Ps3 games so please I need one.MrEco
Metal Gear Solid 4 > Demon's Souls > Dragon Age > Dead Space
What? He asked for a game with a fantastic story and one with great moments. Where is Uncharted 1 & 2 on your list?
Well it seems like Gamespot doesnt have any basketball fans, IMO the game is the best basketball game ever made. Gamespot gave it the lowest score, it seems like everyone including user reviews is giving it between a 9.0-10.0, which it deserves. Anyone who calls themselves a basketball fan should get this game, its fantastic!
both NBA 2k11 and FIFA 11 are getting rave reviews and i'm wondering which one i should buy. i'm a fan of both sports but i'm not terribly familiar with the 2k series. on the other hand, i've been playing FIFA for a long time now and i absolutely love the demo of 11. lemme hear what you think. :)
Im in the same boat as you are, but NBA 2k11 has Jordan and a bunch of other HOF and legendary teams, im going with 2k11. I already pre-ordered 2k11, so ill tell you how it is
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