Only 2 out of 7 of the posters so far have admited they use it for porn, i know the precentage is much higher than that. Who else uses it to watch porno? or have used it to watch porn in the past?
I agree it's very inaccurate. John Wall a 81 while Tony Parker is 77...wtF :?
yea andyboiii has a point, he was injured most of the year and played behind whats his face when he came back. John Wall played great basketball last season and was the #1 pick, while Tony Parker did what again?
But why is Kobe the same rating as LeBron and DWade? Kobe is old and slow, maybe like 5 years ago he was a 97 but now hes not that good
I have searched everyone for how to get the PS3 to media share with WMP12, but mine just isnt working. For some reason my PC cant detect my PS3, under network and sharing>media streaming options my PS3 doesnt come up as an option, why is this?
2K11 is what im picking up when it comes out. I liked the demo for 2K11 cause it showed off the new things they added, the game/players seem more authentic, and the fact that they have Jordan is good enough for me. Did anyone else notice the changes they made to it? no longer can Kobe dunk over anyone
looking for a game under $35. was thinking uncharted, ratchet and clank tod, something with good multiplayer, or something with a good story thats just tons of fun. please help :D
You should definetly experience Uncharted, whether you rent or buy it you need to play it, i rented the game because its fairly short and there isnt that much replay value. But if you want a good multiplayer game then go with LBP or Borderlands, both will give you tons of playing time with friends.
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