I hate the name Wii i think it was called that so little kids could ask for it. Wii does sound like something a little kid would say, and its all part of Nintendos plan to take over. I like the name Revolution more than Wii, and i agree Wii does sound geeky.
Mario and Zelda need a update. Because Zelda is the same every year with the same people and the weapons etc. Mario needs an update for the same reasong because i really hated Super Mario gaylaxy.
I think Mario Galaxy is great and all and is one of the best second-rate games i have every played. But i am disgusted and ashamed of what Nintendo is doing withMario. While i was playing Mario Galaxy i found out nothing had changed and it was the same as it was 10 years ago. I think this is wrong for the last 10 years you have been trying to kill Bowser who isn't that good of a bad guy because all he does is kidnap a princess( which is old and has been done before). So I am sure i am the only person who hates this game and thinks Nintendo should drastically change the game, because i know Microsoft and Sony can do much better on making a Mario game.
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