machod_19's forum posts
Donkey Kong
But really i would like to see a remake of Golden-eye, or a sequel.
imagine it Goldeneye with online, using the golden gun to kill people, and become the leader of the Golden-eye leader board(like 360 games)
Super Paper Mario: Short, easy, tons and tons of text, boring gameplay and a very bad story.
Far Cry Vengeance: Need i say more?
Mario Strikers Charged: Is not as good as the first one (i havent tried the online though)
WarioWare: Short, Overrated, Uninteresting and the list goes on and on
I agree all of those games could of had more i them, and i do think Wario Ware is way overrated.
Since everyone is saying there a lot of badWii games that disappoint your expectations what are some of these games and why do they disappoint.
I think Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 is the biggest disappointment for any Wii game because im a big fan of the series and when i heard it was going to be out for the Wii i was excited. But once I played it i was very disappointed, no specialty matches.
please I am bored to death with my Wii i need a game to play that will last a long time. I have played Galaxy,Metroid Prime 3, RE:4, and other games. Please help me decide if i should wait for a game or if there is a game i should play, because i could always get another game for another system but i really want to play my Wii.
Should i sell back Resident Evil:4 Wii Edition to Gamestop, and if i do how much will i get for it. I have already beat it on professional and I got everything else, and the bonus's.
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