Batman AA or Demon Souls
machod_19's forum posts
Why isnt Jean Claude Van Damme in the movie? is he too old to kick ass?
How is dead space's story? And is it scary or more like resident evil 5?
The story is good and it is much more scarier than RE5.
LeBron is to Cleveland as Ghandi is to India, no way he leaves the Cavs becuase he means too much to them.
I will end up playing all of these soon, but which 2 games should i buy this week
Batman: AA, Killzone 2, Dead Space, or Assassins Creed 2
Dead Space is $10 this week at the EA store with free shipping, so I'd definitely grab that one first. Other than that, I'd recommend Batman over the others.
thanks a lot the total came to $10.90 which is the cheapest you can get the game now.
I will end up playing all of these soon, but which 2 games should i buy this week
Batman: AA, Killzone 2, Dead Space, or Assassins Creed 2
I'm looking for a good shooter that consists of aiming down the sights. I really liked Modern Warfare 2, but I don't want anything too similar like Bad Company 2 or the new Medal of Honor. I'm thinking Killzone 2, especially now at 30 bucks but I'm not sure. I like shooters that differ from each other. I have Army of Two The 40th Day, Modern Warfare 2 and Far Cry 2. Note they all focus on ADS, I hate run and gun shooters. So how bout it? Will KZ2 do, or should I wait for KZ3, or something? Cuz I'm moving on from shooters after this. I'm looking forward to the new MotorStorm game as well, the first two were very cool.Guaracy-
Yea get KZ2 its a great game and many people still play it online, KZ3 is coming out in a year so waiting for KZ3 will take a while.
In his video that shows off his x-box collection he bassicly shows that most of his games are moded, is that even legal. I find it amazing that a 8 year old kid(thats my guess on how old he is) is allowed to mod his xbox and play moded games
Ended up not liking Resonance of Fate all that much. Got into a point where I lost all my hero gauge and couldnt kill anything. Basically I sucked at it. I have played hard games before, like Demon's Souls and enjoyed it alot but this one not so much.
Is there anything for the PS3 similar to FF13 but not ROF?
Have you played Valkyria Chronicles
Kobe is just choking right now, showing why he is so great
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