so this summer I am really anxious to start catching up on games I have yet to play..
here are some I am serisouly intersted/looking into (if you could help give me your thougs on each)
Borderlands - yay for the co-op but the gameplay looks boring? does it seem like a arcade shooter? how's the replay value? and is it a must have?
Red dead redemtption : looks amazing :D and haven't played any western games yet..
COD W@W - mainly I want to see how treyarch did with this and because it has co -op
Ninja gaiden sigma 1 or 2 - Loved the series
Demon souls - looks intersting :D
Yazuka 3- never played the previous games, just caught my eye, is it worth it? fun? how fun?
Fall out 3 - always intersted in it :P plan on getting goty versoin or wait till vegas comes out?
BFBC2 - looks incredible :D but should I save my money and wait for other shooters coming out soon?
Killzone 2- wanted to get it when it was released, still fun?
Ao2 40th day? - for the co-op but worth the money?
so basicly I doubt I will be able to buy all the games I listed above.. if I could only get 5 games what would you highly reccomend?
how about only 4 games? 3 games?
1. RDR
3. Demon Souls
4. Killzone 2
5. Ninja Gaiden
IMO Borderlands got boring after a while, COD W@W was fun but MW2 is better, Yakuza 3 never played, Fall out 3 also got boring after a while, wait till the price drops on the 40th day.
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