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Changing Hobbies

I've been bored with gaming as of late. I can't seem to find any games that really interest me. So I decided that I'd direct my spending back towards one of my other "hobbies", though it's more like a collection, lol. I basically only spend my money on 4 things: video games, anime, manga, and cds . . . yes, I still buy cds. So, I think I'm going to start buying more manga and anime now. I quit picking up manga since they usually cost 10 bucks a pop and I can go through about 20 books in a day! So, I'm going to try and tone down how much I read at once, lol. There are a few anime series that I want to pick up as well, so I think I'll start with them. I will probably still buy the occasional game, but won't pick up as many games as I used to. Hopefully, after summertime comes and goes, I'll find some more games that I'm interested in.

Other than that, not much going on. Oh, except the fact that I might be quitting college, lol. Nothing else really happening as of late though. Might take a small road trip here at the end of the month. What about you, mina? Got any plans for summertime?

My Dreams Have Been Completely Crushed

The San Jose Sharks were just eliminated from the Stanley Cup Playoffs after playing over 129 minutes in a game that ended in the 4th overtime. The Sharks did an amazing job and had a great season. And I swear, if Nabby doesn't get the Vezina Trophy, I'm going to have to kill someone. Seriously, that save off of Richards was spectacular, youtube it if you don't believe me. Anyway, now my only hopes for the cup are for the Flyers (because I love Danny) and the Stars (because I HATE and LOATH Detroit) to win their conference finals. So, good luck Flyers and Stars! And have a good summer, Sharks, I'll be seeing you in the fall.

10 STUPID Questions I get Asked When Playing Online.

Ah, the wonderful world of online gaming. Filled with some of the best players in the world . . . and some of the stupidest people as well. I don't venture too far into this world filled with quick battles and quicker wits, but when I do, I've run into my share of "interesting" people. One of the things I hate most about online gaming is when the other players find out that I'm a girl. After 20+ questions just to establish that I am a girl, the questions that come after that are even more bizarre. So here are 10 of those such questions. 5 of the most common and 5 of the most bizarre.

Top 5 Most Common Questions

1. Are you naturally a girl? What does that even mean? Of course I am. Do they really think that girl gamers are so rare that it's more likely to find a guy who had a sex change than a girl that was born that way? And really, this is usually the first question I get asked right off the bat.

2. Do you need us to show you how to aim? I've probably spent more than my share of time on Rainbow, so it really annoys me that they automatically think that I need help with the game. C'mon, what are they thinking? That girls just like to join online matches for games that they don't know how to play?

3. So, do you like The Gilmore Girls? A lot of guys try and start talking about a TV show that they think I might like. The Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, Wildfire, and other like that. To be quite honest, I don't even watch TV shows like that, so I find it quite hilarious that guys try and impress me by talking about shows they "think" I like.

4. Is this your brother's PS3? I'm actually surprised that this question isn't asked sooner, but the guy gamers usually get around to this one eventually. They either think that I'm playing my brother's, friend's, boyfriend's, or any other male person's PS3. They always seem so surprised when they find out that I actually bought my PS3 on launch date, lol.

5. Did you know that Sony/PS3 . . . ? Ok, first off, I am a die hard Sony fan if you didn't know already. I'm even currently writing a Sony history book, so usually I know the answers to thsese questions that gamers always ask. It's always about some new game or maybe some sales numbers. I actually really love getting these questions because I always like to pull out my Sony knowledge and show off a bit. And the guys usually seem quite surprised by it too, lol.

Top 5 Most Bizarre Questions

1. Which end of a celery stick do you eat first? First off, I don't like celery. Second, why would you ask someone that online?

2. What do you like to cook? Really? What kind of a question is that? I don't even cook, yet they assume I do and they actually ask me about it? I swear, sometimes I'm really shocked by what these guys come up with online.

3. Do you have a girlfriend? Another odd question that I get is guys assuming that I'm gay Even though I've had my fair share of girls hitting on me, I'm not, not even close.

4. Are you hot? I reply, "It all depends on what you like. If you like tall blondes, then that's a no." Oh no, I didn't mean it like that, are you hot? Is it warm out? "eh?" was all I could reply. Who asks that kind of question? Yeah, if you are in a car and it's warm out, you ask if the other person wants the air on. But in an online game, that's the kind of question you ask?

5. Ok, this is actually a few questions in a row, but this convo was just so bizarre that I had to write the whole thing out. Male gamer, "Do you like chicken or pork?" I reply, "Chicken." "Red or blue?" he asks. "Red." I answer back. Then he asks, "What about carrots or potatoes?" Potatoes." I replied. "violence or profanity?" He questions. I answer, "Violence." And then he asks, "You're Asian right?" "That's right." I answered. "Ah, that explains it." he replied back . . . huh? What? How does that explain anything? Really, that was what he asked right after he asked if I was a girl or not. Does that make any sense to you?

Luckily my friends on here and on the PS3 aren't anything like the people I run into, thank God! So, what do you think? Do you find these questions odd? And would you ask a girl gamer you met online the same things?

Rest In Peace 10/04/07 ~ 04/22/08

R.I.P. Calgary Flames! That's right, my beloved San Jose Sharks have taken out the Flames in an amazing game 7 of the first round! J.R. was for sure the best player on both sides of the ice scoring 2 goals and 2 assists, for a franchise tying record of 4 points in a playoff game. Seto also got his first playoff goal ever against Cujo who replaced Kipper. It was an amazing game to finish off the first round! Now it's onto a huge Pac Div rival, the Dallas Stars! I am so hyped up about this! I cannot wait! The puck drops on Friday in San Jose :D

"I Think I'm In Love . . ."

"But it makes me kinda nervous to say so." That's the answer to the 3 clues I posted last time. The song is "Think I'm In Love" off of "The Information" album by Beck. So yes, I met a really great guy (In case you forgot, I am a girl, lol) and some of you might know him since he is here on GameSpot. I guess the song sort of says it all, I'm both happy and not at the same time. It's a little more complicated than "I like him and he likes me". I think all will work out in time, but that's the question, how much time? But I'm happy with the way things are now. And in case you are curious, I'm not going to say who it is :P You'll just have to guess.

In other news, I'm totally depressed . . . the Sharks lost and are now trailing 2-1 in the series against the Flames. I even had a hard time sleeping last night because of it! Just like Nabby said, "You have to be men to play this sport, not a bunch of boys, and we looked like a bunch of boys out there and they were looking like a bunch of men." So, they really need to pull it together for Tuesday! It's going to totally suck if they can't even make it past the first round. But I totally think they can pull it together! And as my banner says, "I WANT THE CUP!" So, c'mon Sharks, gambare!

I also picked up a DualShock 3, yay! I played a round of Rainbow 2 with it, and it feels great. Though it surprised me and I kept on dying everytime it rumbled. It's nice though, I love that it's heavier, now I'm not so worried when I play MotorStorm.

I've also been trying to pick up Eye of Judgment cards since Set 2 is coming out soon. I'm a compulsive collector and cards are one of my worst collections. I collected over 2,000 Pokemon cards in 1 year, and I wasn't even working then :shock: So I'm trying not to go overboard, but I think I already did, lol.

So, do you guys have any collections?

I'm Still Alive

Hey mina! Long time, no blog. A lot has happened and not much has happened at the same time. I went down to San Jose at the end of March to watch a Sharks game (NHL) and a Stealth game (NLL). The Sharks game was awesome! They played the Stanley Cup Champs, the Ducks, and totally owned them :D So, I was quite excited. The Stealth game was also a lot of fun, they won as well. I had seats at the glass for that game and got to see a bunch of people slammed hard into the boards. I seriously love San Jose too, it's a great city and really fun to hang out there. Hopefully, I can go back soon.

I also just got back from Carson City, Nevada. My father was in a bowling tournament, so I tagged along just to get out of town. Saw some cool things and had a great time overall. Though, the smoke totally got to me, lol. It really made me miss the desert though, I'd so love to move back down south. The trees just get to me sometimes.

As for other stuff that has happened, not much to report. School is going okay, as good as it can I guess. I really just want to be done with it though, I could use a break. Work is dead as always (haha, no really it is) and it doesn't look like it's going to pick up anytime soon since summer time is the slow period. I'm dreading my 21st birthday since I lose all my funding for school, my insurance, and my military privileges.

Some good stuff, Sharks are in the playoffs!!!! The Pacific Division Champs are pitted against the Calgary Flames for the first round. Unfortunately, they lost the first game, but I figured that since the Sharks always choke on the first game! I have faith that they will prevail and pull out some big wins to continue on.

On a more personal note, a really good thing has happened but I'm not going to say what. So I will give you three clues, see if you can add them up to figure out what it is.

  1. Son of David Campbell and Bibbe Hansen
  2. 15 on's Top 100 albums of 2006
  3. 3 minutes, 20 seconds

So, how have you all been? Hope everything is going great for you all. So, that's it for now, jaa ne :D

Blame R-Force - 5 Things You May Not Know About Me.

Well, I got tagged by R-Force, so here it goes.

  1. I'm right handed but I eat with my left.
  2. I've never broken any bones yet.
  3. I've never broken anyone else's bones yet.
  4. I'm 62% blind.
  5. I have an IQ of 150, 6 off of Einstein.

So there you have it! And I'm going to be nice and not tag anyone else :P Plus, everyone I know has already done this, lol.

At A Loss . . .

I'm at a loss on what to blog about, lol. Not much happening . . . at all. I bought Lost Planet and Army of Two, but haven't really been very excited about either one. I think I'm losing my drive to play games. I'm really looking for that one game that glues me to the couch for a week. Not only does it have to be addictive, but also has a great story and art. I know exactly which game I'm talking about too, only down side is that it doesn't even have a name yet let alone a release date. So, I guess I'll have to wait patiently for it to come out.

And to answer bozanimal's question, I was kind of disappointed by GDC. I was expecting to see a Sony press conference but MicroSoft was the only company that gave one. There was some great news that came out but not what I was hoping for.

Other than that, not much going on. I have to get my new router set up since the old one died, and figure out why I can't play certain games online when my PS3 is on Nat Type 2 and I don't play behind a firewall. So, later mina!

Hajimemashi-te, Itsumi desu. Douzo yoroshiku.

Hey mina! How are all of you doing? Well, I am hanging in there. February has been a pretty rough month for me. Things have been very stressful but thanks to a few good friends and Lambert I've been handling things pretty well.

I'm really excited about GDC and can't wait to see the live shows here on GS. There has been a lot of great news coming out so far, so I'm excited to hear what else they have in store. I hope that Sony releases more news about Home and maybe even a release date. I'm also excited to see all the new info on some great games coming out this year. What are you looking forward to the most from GDC?

And if you haven't heard, Blu-Ray won the format wars! w00t! I'm excited that we finally have a winner, I will definitely be picking up more BRD movies now. What about all of you? Will you be picking up any high def movies?

You might be wondering about the title of this blog and the picture. Well, the 2008 Tokyo Game Show has been dated for October 9-12, 2008 in Chiba City. This year's theme is "Ready for GAME time!" and I know I sure am. I really love all these different events but my favorite has to be TGS. And if you don't know what the title means, it translates to "How do you do? I'm Itsumi. Nice to meet you." If you didn't know, my Japanese first name is Itsumi :P

Anyway, hope you all are doing well. Jaa ne!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey mina! Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day :D I posted the lyrics from a song about Valentine's Day. I didn't want to use some sappy one, so this one is one of my favorite bands, Linkin Park. Anyway, hope you all have a great day.

Valentine's Day by Linkin Park

My insides all turn to ash, so slow.
And blow away as I collapse, so cold.
A black winter been away, from sight.
Another darkness over day, that night.

And the clouds above move closer,
Looking so dissatisfied.
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing.

I used to be my own protection, but not now.
'Cause my path has lost direction, somehow.
A black winter cue away, from sight.
Another darkness over day, that night.

And the clouds above move closer,
Looking so dissatisfied.
And the ground below grew colder,
As they put you down inside.
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing.

So now you're gone,
And I was wrong.
I never knew what it was like
To be alone

On a valentine's day
On a valentine's day
On a valentine's day
On a valentine's day

On a valentine's day (I used to be my own protection)
On a valentine's day (But not now)
On a valentine's day ('Cause my mind has lost direction)
On a valentine's day (Somehow)

On a valentine's day (I used to be my own protection)
On a valentine's day (But not now)
On a valentine's day ('Cause my mind has lost direction)

On a valentine's day (Somehow)