Happy Black Friday! How was your Thanksgiving? Well, mine was pretty good. I played some Uncharted (still trying to finish it) and played Rainbow Six Vegas with zeke2040. And dinner was awesome!!! The full Thanksgiving meal is my favorite! Unfortunately, I have to work today (Friday) which totally sucks. While everyone is off having fun, I have to help out at a funeral service! That's what kind of sucks about working in the funeral industry, you always end up working on off days and holidays. So, that's why I've been singing Tom Rundgren's "Bang On The Drum All Day" in my head.
In other news, Haze was delayed!!!! Which means that money that I saved to get it is going towards Guitar Hero 3! I wasn't actually going to get it because I have Rock Band but since I haven't heard anything about my replacement guitar, I'm just going to get GH3 and use that guitar. Too, doesn't GH3 look like some chemical or something, lol. Anyway, so I'll be picking that up next Friday.
ASSASSIN'S CREED - This game looks gorgeous! It's pretty fun but it's getting a bit repetitive. I have to say though that I'm a bit disappointed with it. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game but I think I was just expecting a bit more from it. I guess my problem with it is that you basically do the exact same thing over and over again. Assassinating people is truly fun, and you have some really interesting game mechanics but after the 3rd or 4th time, it gets tedious. The world is amazing though. It is truly alive with people chatting and walking around. It's a beautiful presentation of art in motion. The voice acting is supurb as well. Though, the reviews are right in stating that Altair is the weakest character. I didn't really feel attached to him either. Overall though, it's a good game and it's a great start to what looks to be an amazingly series. I give it a 8.5/10.
UNCHARTED: DRAKE'S FORTUNE - I love this game. When I played the demo, I have to say that I wasn't too amazingly impressed. But after playing the full game, I have to say it's a great game. Truly awesome. The story is both believable and fun. And I don't think I've ever felt so attached to a game character before. He doesn't feel like some super human that can survive anything. He runs like his life actually depended on it. When he jumps, his arms wave wildly and he always just barely catches a ledge. The really does look scared and stressed out when bullets get to close. Fists fights look like something from a bar scene rather than perfectly choreographed fights. The dialogue is actually believable as well. Nathan and the other characters really talk like real live people. I have to say that Uncharted has some of the best characters I've seen so far. As for graphics, all I can say is "wow". I don't even have a high def tv and it still looks like you are really there. Everything feels alive. As for the gameplay, I love it. It plays really well, I love how you can pop out from cover. There is a wide array of weapons for you to choose, all of which are very effective and fun to use. The addition of using motion control was well placed and it doesn't feel tacked on or a pain to use. I don't really see anything negative about this game. It is a bit short, but with hidden treasure to find and skill points to complete, there is some good replay value. Plus, just replaying it to see the sites is well worth it. I have to say, this is probably my favorite game of the year, beating out Ratchet & Clank, Oblivion, and Rock Band. A big 9.0/10.
ROCK BAND - I have to say, my arms haven't been this sore in a long time, lol. Rock Band is a really fun party game but I was really disappointed when I found out that the Band World Tour mode did not include ONLINE. So, you really need to have physical friends (which I'm lacking at the moment) to experience Rock Band to the fullest. Other than that, the Single Tour is quite fun though there are frequent times of silence as your virtual bandmates get their solos as well which is kind of well, boring. As for the instruments themselves, the drums are quite sturdy and the kick pedal is nice and springy. My only complaint with them is that when you hit them it sounds like you're beating on a trash can, lol. It also plays very well though I get the occasional drop out and it doesn't seem to pick up what I'm doing right away. The mic is pretty solid though you have to use a controller as well to navigate the menu. They should have just added a few buttons on the side of the mic to fix that. It's quite hard to calibrate the sound for vocals (or at least it was for me) but after I got it fixed, it worked really well, I think. I can't sing to save my life so I didn't do very well none the less. As for the guitar, well it looks like it works really well, lol. The stratocaster is a bit heavier than the old GH controllers and the flush buttons have a nice feel. Unfortunately mine doesn't work at the moment so I haven't had a chance to play with it fully. There was downloadable content right off the bat which was nice though the selection was a little sparse. I'm hoping the song selection gets better as time goes by. As for online, it works really well though you can only do Band Quickplay. There is no voice chat so you can't congratulate your bandmate for getting a perfect on his solo. It's still fun but it definitely lacks the closeness that you should have when you play in a band. Overall it's a good buy, I suggest though that if you want to pick it up, split it among your friends. By the bundle and give out the other instruments because it's really only fun when you play it with other people right there in your living room. So, it's a good start, and hopefully they will fix some of these problems in the sequel, 8.5/10.
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