I have a theoretical question for you or anyone else. You say people want to play games that would allow them to do things that they normally would be unable to do or would allow them to "let off steam;" the game that most people pop in is a game that allows the gamer to "kill everything that moves." Is that really why we play games? Is that what we really want to do if we were able to? I'd like to think that we play games for reasons other than "whacking everyone with a crowbar." If what you say is the norm, maybe mainstream media and right-wing activists are right about video games.People also play games to o things that they normally would be unable to in real life (if it being morally or physically).
E.g. If I've had a bad day at school, I sometimes like to let off steam by running around half-life 2 whacking everyone with the crowbar, lets me let go of my frustration.
maddog95376's forum posts
Sounds like you'll like Unreal Tournament 3 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. ;)PlaneforgerAgreed. UT3 will rock.
Halo 3 Gears of War Dead Rising The jury is still out on Assasin's Creed, Mass Effect, CoD4, and the new WWE game. However, I'm sure all those games will be awesome. Pick up the recharge kit, the camera, and you're going to need the wireless adapter to connect to your router.I am planning on picking up a 360 before Christmas provided they arent sold out at that time, and i need some help on reccomendations on games and accessories, here's a list of games i have to possibly pick up iaskthe Gamespotters here to pick at least 2-3 games i should get:
Kengo Legend of The 9
Assassin's Creed
Mass Effect
Call of Duty 4
Virtua Fighter 5
Gears Of War
Madden 2008
Halo 3
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008
NCAA Football 2008
Dead Rising
Guitar Hero 3
i know the 360 Pro Model has basically everything i need, and i plan on pickin up a 12 month gold subscription for XBL, and a router so i can connect on my laptop and 360, i need to know if there's any other accessories i should pick up
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