Hello Guys!
I got my 60g PS3 in May 2007.
Unfortunately, I have gotten the Yellow Light of Death.
I called Sony for service and they wanted to charge me 150 dollars to have it fixed.
I complained that i wanted to speak to someone from corporate and then i was given the phone to one of the highest available managers who then finally said," okay, we will fix it for you this one time for free."
I asked him why this is a problem and he told me that the Tech department realized it was a Heat Sink problem. The yellow light of death is a fail safe mode when the ps3 starts so it doesnt ruin any sensitive components.
Technically, the ps3 is playable, but the PS3's own programming won't let the user start the operating system on the count that it was overheating.
I had been playing Little Big Planet EVERYDAY since it came and left the console on for about 8 hours a day after classes and work with my GF.
4 hours for me, 2 hours for her, and about 2 hours or more for bluray Movies(HULK, Sleeping Beauty,Cars,Ironman,etc)
So what i have realized is that the Yellow light of Death and the Red ring of death are practically the same thing.
I have been playing so much PS3 than ever before that its ridiculous! so many good games.
360 owners probably play non stop too and thats why RROD is as rampant. because there are so many good games.
so as far as avoiding the YLOD, don't play too much PS3! Perhaps follow the rule and give the console a 15 minute break for every hour you play.
I know its hard when you make LBP levels to just STOP creating, but its probably wise.
Ill get my PS3 back in 1 week
Hit my up for LBP.
PSN ID: Ari2000.
Check out LBP levels.
The Demon Knight
Save the Queen
Tree of Power.
I leave my ps3 on for like 3 weeks straight never gotten the yld... i did get a game loading issue though after a year of abuse...
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