uh...if you're already off the floating continent...luneth to be dragoonIngus to be a dark nightArc to be a viking..I thinkand Refia...do you have that basic summoner job yet? Forgot what it was called
Not a one...just got it a few days ago. But even if I had it for a few days or a few years, I'd still never allow my DS to crack
I assume that any video game with loads of magic and mythical creatures to be a JRPG...and I always assume right xD
Okay, I don't know a thing about Kingdom Hearts, but I've always been curious about this...why were disney characters placed into the game anyway?
some big and strong ones (using AR)flygon (definetely have to have one)salamencedarkraijolteon (not so big..)blastoiseampharos (don't know why I like this one so much..)but I'd make 'em all shiny
well...sure, the DSi is gonna be hitting stores soon, but some people don't really have that extra...er..40 dollars? Yeah...well, that's my case. I'm gonna have to get a DS lite instead of a DSi because of that *small* 40 dollar difference
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