You know, I've played just about all of the FF games, most of them completely and more than once, one or to just about to the end; and I've just got to say that times are looking bleak for the series. They seem to be getting farther and farther away from what the series was meant to be in the first place. It isn't predictably progressive, there have been ups and downs in various places - but overall, I find that I have a hard time staying until the end with the latest games in the series.
I tried FFI, but that was so late in the game that I just couldn't go through with it (like two years ago).
FFII, I completed about three times. A very touching story and compelling characters to boot.
One of my all time favorites (with Chrono Trigger being THE favorite, of course) was FFIII. The amazingly varied cast, the innovations, surprises and introduction of many FF standards made this one of the most important games in the series. To date, not a game in the series has been able to duplicate the perfection that this one had.
FFIV, magical story, nice twists and semi-deep storyline.
FFV introduced the venerable job system, which made this game one hell of a ride, and very re-playable. Unfortunately we wouldn't see this system for a very long time after - except in the Tactics series (and I can't stand tactics games - sorry!).
FFVI - as far as I know this was skipped and we went right to FFVII - correct me if I am wrong...
FFVII: next to FFIII, this is hands down the best in the entire series. The only criticism people have of it is the "blocky characters". SO WHAT, all of the characters in games were blocky back then! And they weren't THAT blocky anyway, for people to dismiss the fact that this game had an amazing story, great system (Materia), a few secrets, good infusion of mini-games, and memorable characters! This is the best of any FF game that has come since, and at this point we are at FFXII.
FFXIII: talk about ugly characters... oh gawd, the pasty-face crew is in full effect here. The main character, Leon was a dull, lifeless, Michael Jackson dressing wannabe (he even wears MJ's band uniform in one segment) who is in dire need of Prozac. Everybody is a reject from the slo-mo academy in this game. They are all ugly and pale as all hell. The mini-game (Triple Triad) took a great toll on my patience, slow loading and not very rewarding. I liked the variety of summons, but good gawd, how long do we have to wait each time we call one? And the "boost" was just not worth it. I got to about 99% of completion and completely lost interest... booooooooooring!
FFIX: I played this once and said to myself... "Is this it?" Short and feeling like something was missing, I did some research and found that in order to fully enjoy it - YOU MUST STEAL EVERYTHING FROM EVERY ENEMY! If you can't steal - reload and try again! You will need everything you can steal to completely enjoy this game and finish it in a way that it needs to be finished. After I played through it again with that mindset, I had a blast - it became one of my favs right behind FFVII. I can say that they could have been a little more serious with the characters - but over all they did a great job.
FFX: FFX was an okay game up until the part where you get "stuck" in Sin and are forced to go to the end. I searched and searched for a way out, to make sure I completed everything, to no avail - you are stuck and that's it. The really bad part - finding out that once you are in Sin, the game holds your hand and "upgrades you" to the point that you wonder why you had to go through the rest of the story anyway! You can go into Sin at level three and by the time you reach the end be at level 99 - it really doesn't matter. This game was severely dumbed down, probably so it could appeal to people who never played Final Fantasy before. The only thing hard about it was the silly weapon unlocking mini-games. I have to admit I gave up on the Thunder Plains and the Butterfly mini-games - I had serious patience issues and camera problems, respectively, with those two mini-games, and got very tired of them both. It didn't matter anyway - because Sin took care of all that for me when it upgraded my crew to the max. What a kindergarten experience.
FFX-2: Let's not even go there... just walk away, nothing to see here...
FFXI: FFXI, and all of its online expansions has never caught my attention - I was mad that FFXII, XIII and XIV were delayed because square wanted to play online games, though. Putting it's built in fan base on hold was not nice - not nice at all.
FFXII; A tolerable game, not what I wanted - but expected from a producer that formerly specialized in the tactics series. Some irritations include a "secret" weapon that wasn't revealed until the game was already out (Zodiac Spear); some of the hardest bosses ever seen in the FF series (you need to take a day or two off to beat the King of Dragons, Yiamat); the miniaturization of the summon creatures - and the fact that you have to "upgrade" them - which I think is totally stupid; the dragons in the game all look alike - they all look like the Fire Demon from Lord of the Rings (The Two Towers?) except they are all quadruped - why did they make them all look the same? Where is the creativity here? C'mon, Square, you can do better. It's made more like an Action-Rpg, but I do like the way you can customize commands for the characters - although it needs a little tweaking if you ask me, but it's mostly workable. The Mob hunts were my favorite part of the game - but those end quickly - too they didn't expand that part of the game. And worst of all - the maps were exceedingly cryptic - useless, as a matter of fact. I am in the temple where you can fight Yiamat - and that's where I left off. I'll get back to it - but I don't have a clue as to where I am at by way of the provided map. I downloaded some maps from the internet - but they weren't too much help either. It's very easy to get lost, and there's no good reason for that. Maybe I'm just a moron... The reason I stopped, however, is not because I got lost - but rather that I am at the point where I can fight Yiamat and I just haven't found the moment of time where I have that kind of patience... and it's been almost a year now...
FF: Crisis Core: I'm playing that right now - and it's a bright light in the bleak pool of weak offerings of late. I am disappointed that I haven't heard any news of a full blown sequel to FFVII, but this is a viable distraction. I hope that I will be able to play a FF with the materia system on my TV. I'm settling with this, but I am crazy about the missions! Is it what I want? NO. But is it okay, yeah - for now. I want a party based OFFLINE RPG sequel to FFVII that I play on a console, on my TV - not a tiny handheld. But this is the best I'm gonna get so far, so be it.
FFXIII: Hasn't come out yet, and although I look forward to ANY FF title, unless Sony has some sort of spiritual epiphany and decides to lower the price of the PS3 to human levels (or should I say "humane" levels) I might not be playing this for a long, long time anyway. From what I see, though, it looks like an action-rpg rather than party based. Oh joy. I won't pass judgment until I find out more - but from what I see so far it may be a big flopola. Time will tell.
As for the rest, Crystal Chronicles and the handhelds, well I could really care less about them (Crystal Chronicles was a complete sham of a rip-off, going so low as to try and FORCE players into buying Gameboys in order to play the ONLY title ever made for the Gamecube... for shame. And the handhelds - yeah I'm sure people liked them - but I feel that there goes effort and money into something that should have been a full blown console game. So shove off with that.
You can see how the games have progressively deteriorated over the years - and how they have morphed into something that most people don't even want. But like its namesake, Square can sometimes be very block-headed about producing what it wants - despite what the market craves...
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