I just wanted to sound off about companies who make us get all ready for "the sequel" and then break their little word. I DON"T APPRECIATE IT AT ALL. It's lame. It's unprofessional. It's disrespectful of your customers. The same companies break their neck to please everyone else, meet every deadline, fulfill every promise - but the end customer is an exception. We can be led on; we can be lied to; it's ok to let us down, apparently.
I'll cite a few cases briefly:
Square made public - shortly after FFIIX came out - that it had "finished" the FF series all the way up to XIII - and it was working on XIV. This was well before there was an announcement or any word at all of a PS3. AFTER Sony announced it was coming out with a PS3 - long before it even showed us what it would look like - (and in case anybody was not there, just after MS's shocking announcement that it would be releasing the XBOX2 (they weren't calling it Xbox360 just yet)) suddenly those games disappeared from public view. Square began making all those online versions - but no console versions. they finally got around to making FFIX, X, X-2, XII (XI was online only) but on the same schedule that they had said we would be playing FFXIV by. Now we have to wait until 2008 or beyond for a questionable "RPG" known as FFXIII. But cheer up folks - cuz another scam known as FF: Crystal Chronicles 2 will drain your wallet and fill the void until then...
Oh, and let me not forget to add in Square-Enix latest fiasco... I knew that Square would somehow screw up the one RPG that could give it a run for it;'s money: Dragon quest. And according to the latest press releases look what's happening - Square says DQ will be released for the DS... why? Because it doesn't want what probably is a finished game, to be released on the PS2. It doesn't want that because Square is a hardware hoe - they are chasing new technology. Forget the fact that there are millions of PS2's out there - and the PS3 hasn't even taken off yet... each year they get more and more blatant with their whoring... too bad Enix is going to be going down with them now. Look at what they did with their own games! They used to only care about Final Fantasy... they abandoned series like Chrono Trigger (no respect for the continuity of the series or it's customer base) - now their even destroying Final Fantasy - all in the name of hardware whoring! Of COURSE they could care less about an Enix product - what to expect out of a company that could care less about it's OWN products??? I think I just threw up a little in my throat...
Oblivion. Remember it was going to be released on the PC AND Xbox simultaneously??? What happened there. I want to be brief, once again - so I won't be including my communication with them... please don't MAKE me do that. I also don't want to vilify any high-ranking individuals at Bethesda who may have come off just a little condescending and "I think I'm a God, so bow down to me and accept what I say as the LAW"-like in their replies to me. Anywho -The gaming public was told that we were going to be playing Oblivion on our PC's and Xbox's, (oh and BTW - it was originally slated to be on the XBOX, not the XBOX360... hmmm, do I smell a MS / Bethesda backroom money deal here or what...?) suddenly - and unashamedly - DISHONORABLY - just a couple of months before launch, Bethesda decides "nahh - we'll make it exclusively for the XBOX360, and the PC users will get it "whenever". I flew some letters their way and after breaking through the baby talk (they start off talking to you like your some moron who will go for boiler-plate mumbo jumbo excuses like "we wanted to give the player the best experience - so we just won't make the game at all for them... blah, blah, blah..." What a bag of bull.) the guy, after getting mad at me - which is the only way i could get a "real" answer out of him, lets me know that it was all business - and they did it for "the money". Of course he means MS (and NVIDIA) money - cuz apparently OUR MONEY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. I guess money from sales is just pocket-change compared to what you can get from a deal with someone like MS... why not just GIVE the game away for free, then? And what good did it do? Oblivion was STILL late, was and is flawed and buggy (you can only adjust that on the PC, BTW) and hit the bargain bin so hard and fast that Bubsy had to nurse it back to life. Bethesda got what it wanted - people saying "look at the pretty details"... but I thought they made GAMES... not wall hangings. I'm still playing Morrowind, btw... a great GAME.
If you ever played the original Shadowrun, you know at the end it says "See you in Shadowrun 2". Well as we all know - there never was a Shadowrun 2 - at least not the one we were all waiting for. I can understand that the company that made it probably wen't belly up - was it because Shadowrun became some kind of online game? Whatever the case, MS not being able to come up with another name besides Shadowrun for a game that had no relationship whatsoever with the original was and is a slap in the face for all of us who played and waited in vain for a sequel to a most excellent game. There are all kinds of words in the world - why pick that one to name your game? It was lame, and again disrespectful. And we never did get our sequel...
I could keep on going forever with examples - but I won't. I'll say here that the major reason actions like this are occurring on a wholesale, unchecked, unreserved basis and manner is squarely to be blamed upon US. We keep allowing ourselves to be disregaded, and many of us look upon people / companies who RELY ON US TO KEEP THEM AFLOAT as if THEY deserve some kind of IDOLATROUS FEALTY. They should be kissing our rear license plate and groveliing at our feet - sweating bullets trying to please US - not the other way around! They aren't feeling any pressure to give us what we want, to keep promises, to even PRETEND to listen to us. Can any other business do that and still get "kudos"??? Let's see - what if Skippy decided to make peanut butter without peanuts? How about Heinz making ketchup with oranges? Waht about Coke making Coka-cola taste like guava juice (no label changes - that's just what they decide to do)? I dare to bet that you won't see people supporting them, coming to their rescue, telling others "that's capitalism and it's their right to do so..." like I see people responding in game forums when someone complains about a game companies actions. People would RIOT if beer - which is much cheaper than a video game... and requires no "system" to enjoy - were suddenly made non-alcoholic; but let some game developer tell you "we decided to wait on the previously announced release until it's re-made into something that will require you to spend massive amounts of money to achieve..." and WE will defend them and support them to the hilt! Anyone who makes a whimper of discontent seems to get ostracized and attacked... forget the fact that you were lied to and manipulated by some company.. your an unpaid hooker for them... and are seemingly willing to pay them to do whatever they want to you... Until the game players get straight in their mind, and settle in on the fact that we are not part of the company - we are consumers - we will continue to be suffers and hapless victims in this game (no pun intended). We need to put ourselves back in the loop, AS CONSUMERS - I know there are a lot of you who want to pretend your some kind of "industry professional", and so your uncomfortable with that... get over yourself. We need to start using consumer power to offset the lure of backroom dealing. That's the only way we are going to regain the respect we once had, get the games WE WANT instead of the junk that's being created for totally non-gaming purposes (like "look at the wonderful special effects we made in this so-called game! Wanna hire us to do special effects for you???" or "We can help sell you video card, game console, or whatever; we have a great big customer base waiting for a sequel... we'll use them to make a game that will sell your product. We'll even optimize it for your hardware, and add things that have no business being in this series... all for your money... Oh, the customers, ahh, forget them - they will play whatever WE TELL THEM to play, and they will ask for more. They are like putty in the palm of our hands.. HAHAHAHA-HAAAA") - and fix the mess that is the world of video gaming.
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