magusat999's comments

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Edited By magusat999

For me, what still attracts me about BL2 is the many builds, the struggle of finding what you want, the exploration which is both free and story based, the progression system - which is hard as hell, but you can look at it as a challenge. The combat is great - but the one thing I didn't like about it was the slag - or better the double-shot system. If they would have left it to elemental weaknesses, or damage type (say you have an enemy that you have to critical hit or your shot doesn't do damage, for example). They could have enemies who you can only hurt with certain weapon types - but that "slag them up, and THEN shoot them) was the one thing that annoyed me. Other than that, it was much better than the PS to me.

Also, as others pointed out, the PS had large boring areas. Unlike others, some of the humor was too vulgar for my taste (though I thought Tiny Tina was hilarious). There also is still a lot of player support for BL2, including community patches that make the game a bit more forgiving than it was after some DLC was dropped (Take Two changed drop rates and nerfed some things after they introduced some of the DLC - like how you get Serif Crystals, and making Raid bosses practically impossible to farm). All in all, BL2 is just a better drop in and play game than the PS, despite the tight story integration of the PS.

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@briansgreen: Actually the PS2, with over 155 million sold is the best selling console of all time. The PSX has also sold more units than the Wii by about a million consoles ( When looking at the figures you also have to take in account price and profit. The Xbox 360 might have sole 14 million units less than the Wii (mind you these figures are from 2013) but at almost twice the price. It isn't always about units sold. To really determine whether the Wii has been a success d=for Nintendo is to look at game sales - and I think we can agree that it was dismal.

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@pushkin123: So we give them an award because their game is the best? Or is this a hand out because "they tried harder"? Come on, pushkin123 - we can do better. As of my writing NOBODY is playing the Witcher - any of them. It is over. People are still playing Fallout - and even Skyrim. that's how great the Witcher is. If you like it, fine - but lets not lie about what it should have received out of blind fanboyism. The only reason Bethesda didn't get the awards it was supposed to get is because someone got angry at them - the numbers don't lie. And btw, I don't like Justin Bieber either - but when he sold a billion albums he got the awards to go with it - so that analogy of yours if flawed.

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@bandd: First off (yes it's been a long time but this is going to finish right). in your rabid fanboyism, which is the only explanation for your replies because nobody else is defending them except YOU, you for got that I said Nintendo was CAPABLE of making the best console. The fact is they just aren't. They are gasping for air. I haven't said one thing that supports your calling me an Xbone fanboy - Xbox is not part of this argument. Nothing has been said here that justifies you calling names and getting angry - if talking about video game consoles makes you angry, it's time to put the cheetoes and the Wiimote down, get off the couch, wash the orange stuff off your hands, take a bath and go outside. There are actually serious things going on OUTSIDE that make an argument about a console trivial.

That being said, your EMOTIONS about it change nothing. Nintendo has been on oxygen support for a long time. They can instantly be on top, if they get serious and stop with the hokey gimmicks. I bet this NX is going to be rife with shovelware too. And guess what I can do if I don't like it? I can come right here and post whatever the hell I want. I can make a blog. I can make a Youtube video. I can write you a letter if I have your address - I can do what the hell I want to do if I don't like it and you cant do JACK SHIT about it. So maybe you shout get the **** out if YOU don't like it. And take you dead horse with you, white knight wannabe. Who White Knights for Nintendo anyway - the jalopy of consoles.... What a boob.

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Poor Angry Joe - if he hadn't took a hiatus this year he could have been a shoe-in for Trending Gamer... Well there's always next year. Good to see Total Biscuit in that list, though... he's been through the same fire that Joe went through this year.

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Edited By magusat999

Sorry if you read this before I edited it - I thought the article (earlier) had the listings by winner - turns out it didn't have the winners yet! Now I see what makes sense - the best game and the best developer is the same... CDPR. I'm just sad its for a game I will never play - I cant stand the stupid Witcher series. But that is only my opinion - mine and 12 million (at least) people who purchased Fallout 4 in the first week vs. 6 million of the Witcher over it's entire existence... GOTY my a**.

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If it requires constant internet connection, or is obviously DLC dependent at launch, then EA hasn't learned anything and I'm not going to invest my time or money in more of their paranoia or money sucking schemes.... And I thought they already re-booted NFS - so WTF is this?

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@naruto945: Well lets see - in a NORMAL NFS game you dont just hop in and out to race. Your driving around, building skills, getting used to different cars, loking for new challenges - you STAY IN THE GAME. So i can concur with the concern about he internet going out. Perhaps your just a casual who is only checking the game out but what about real players who need to stay in the game?

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@bandd: First off - who cares what is against the law - it's against common sense. And good for you that your one of 3 people who liked the ridiculous gimmicks they keep trying to force their stupid philosophies and lame attempts to get people to pay them more money - that btw despite your falling for it, did NOT PROFIT THEM. Most people are not that stupid. If I want to exercise I'll go to the gym - heck I don't even need to go to a gym because I can exercise at home. I don't need Nintendo's VP telling me I need to exercise - and then making silly hardware that forces me to move around in order to play the games on the console. I'll do what everyone else did - buy a Playstation or an Xbox and tell Mr. Fitness to kiss it. NOW - you can go out and buy 4 Gameboys or whatever stupid thing you choose to fall for, but don't try to wrap that up as smart. Thats not smart - that's just vapid fanboyism - you make NO sense and your argument is weak. If their gimmicks were that compelling they wouldn't be gasping for air (since the N64). Go play with your silly gimmicks - Ill play on a REAL machine.